It's not your imagination: tech really *is* underregulated. There are plenty of avoidable harms that tech visits upon the world, and while some of these harms are mere negligence, others are self-serving, creating shareholder value *and* widespread public destruction.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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That doesn't mean that technical rigor is irrelevant to making good policy. Well-run "expert agencies" include skilled practitioners on their payrolls.
Cory Doctorow
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The job of government experts isn't just to research the correct answers. Even more important is experts' role in evaluating conflicting claims from interested parties. When administrative agencies make new rules, they have to collect public comments and counter-comments.
Cory Doctorow
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But when an industry dwindles to a handful of companies, the resulting cartel finds it easy to converge on a single talking point and to maintain strict message discipline.
Cory Doctorow
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Tech industry shills have a favorite tactic: whenever there's *any* proposal that would erode the industry's profits, self-serving experts shout that the rule is technically *impossible* and deride the proposer as "clueless."
Cory Doctorow
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‘Encryption is deeply threatening to power’: Meredith Whittaker of messaging app Signal
Alex Hern (The Guardian)Cory Doctorow
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When technologists *correctly* point out the lack of rigor and catastrophic spillover effects from this kind of crackpot proposal, lawmakers stick their fingers in their ears and shout "NERD HARDER!"
Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Likewise, Brin and Page's original Pagerank paper, which described Google's architecture, insisted that search was *incompatible* with surveillance advertising, and Google established itself as a non-spying search tool:
The Antitrust Case Against Facebook
papers.ssrn.comCory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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This is an incredibly convenient position, since it arrogates to Facebook the right to order the rest of us to use our computers in the ways that are most beneficial to its shareholders.
Cory Doctorow
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There's a great name for this: "scalesplaining." As in "well, *actually* the platforms are doing an amazing job, but you can't possibly understand that because you don't work for them."
Cory Doctorow
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Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are no libertarians in government-protected monopolies.
Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Commentary: Cory Doctorow: Social Quitting
Locus OnlineCory Doctorow
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Facebook’s Secret War on Switching Costs
Electronic Frontier FoundationCory Doctorow
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The DMA isn't the EU's only new rule. They've also passed the Digital Services Act, which is a decidedly mixed bag.
Cory Doctorow
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Enforcing a rule requiring platforms to prevent harassment is very "fact intensive." First, we have to agree on a definition of "harassment."
Cory Doctorow
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Each step of this is a huge lift, especially that last one, since to a first approximation, everyone who understands a given VLOP's server infrastructure is a partisan, scalesplaining engineer on the VLOP's payroll.
Cory Doctorow
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So allowing users to *leave* is a much more practical step than making it so that they've got no reason to *want* to leave.
Cory Doctorow
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But as much as I like the DMA's interop rule, I think it is badly incomplete.
Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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"Adversarial interoperability" is a catch-all term for all the guerrilla warfare tactics deployed in service to unilaterally changing a technology: reverse engineering, bots, scraping and so on.
Adversarial Interoperability
Electronic Frontier FoundationCory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow: IP
Locus OnlineCory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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But when companies are faced with the prospect of extended asymmetrical war against adversarial interop in the technological trenches, they often surrender. If companies can't sue adversarial interoperators out of existence, they often sue for peace instead.
Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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Taken together, the two approaches - mandates and reverse engineering - are stronger than either on their own. Mandates are sturdy and reliable, but slow-moving.
With Kotek’s signature, Oregon now has one of the nation’s strongest ‘right to repair’ laws
Dirk VanderHart (OPB)Cory Doctorow
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Governments *can* regulate well, with well-funded expert agencies and smart, adminstratable remedies. It's for that reason that the administrative state is under such sustained attack from the GOP and right-wing Dems. The illegitimate Supreme Court is on the verge of gutting expert agencies' power:
U.S. Supreme Court May Soon Discard or Modify Chevron Deference | Insights | Holland & Knight
www.hklaw.comCory Doctorow
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Cory Doctorow
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On June 21, I'm doing an online reading for the @Locusmag Awards at 16hPT.
On June 22, I'll be in Oakland, CA for a panel and a keynote at the Locus Awards:
Go Fact Yourself LIVE with Cory Doctorow and Aida Rodriguez
LAistCory Doctorow
•Ostrzeżenie o treści: Long thread/eof
Noah Wulf (modified)
CC BY-SA 4.0
File:Thunderbirds at Attention Next to Thunderbird 1 - Aviation Nation 2019.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
•Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.
Jack William Bell
•This is me jumping into someone else's conversation and I'm about to do it with a thread, so feel free to ignore…
…But I've been watching a series of lectures about Medieval Britain titled, 'The Story of Medieval England: From King Arthur to the Tudor Conquest'. It's on Amazon prime for only 10 more days, which is why I started. But why I kept consuming these dry unadorned history lectures has to do with what you just said.
Still reading? I'm getting to the point now.
Jack William Bell
•The Anglo-Saxons didn't originally have much in the way of a justice system. It was kind of 'do it yourself', with some cultural adaptations meant to avoid feuds.
Eventually, by the ninth century, a couple of strong kings managed to establish a state-controlled justice system. It wasn't perfect, far from it. But, here's the thing – it was better than anyone else in Europe had at the time.
And the economy did gangbusters. Until they became so rich the Vikings moved in.
Jack William Bell
•Of course this ruined the economy, along with pretty much everything else. (Like that justice system.)
Eventually king Alfred the Great pushed the Vikings out again and re-established the state-justice system. Only even better.
And the economy did gangbusters again. Guess what happened next?
Yup its, "More Vikings."
So it works like this:
1. Crap justice system, bad economy, no Vikings
2. Good justice system, great economy, lots of Vikings.
•And not just in Europe. I ran across something a few months ago talking about the pre-Columbian cultural dynamic in North America's Pacific Northwest, with local equivalents of the vikings. This other culture down the coast didn't struggle with raiders nearly as much, but that was mainly because they were less well resourced.
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Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.
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•Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.
Dave Neary
•Too many of us bought into grabbing fast food to get back to our desks, including moms. No one was watching what that would end up building.
Old Fucking Punk
•Cory Doctorow
•Ostrzeżenie o treści: Long thread/eof
Cory Doctorow
Interoperable Facebook
Electronic Frontier FoundationCory Doctorow
•I've been hearing that the "newcomers will wreck our good thing" since Fidonet was bridged into Usenet.
If you want the people you love to escape from Zuck and Musk, you should be on the side of making it easy for them to leave.
"Being a Facebook user" isn't an ideological defect, it's a collective action trap.
Alexandre Oliva (moved to
•Cory Doctorow
•As to cesspools and so on, that's like saying, "If we let in people who want to flee a badly run, nightmare country into our nice country, how can we stop the people from ruining our place, too?"
It supposes that the problem with Facebook is its users, not its owners.
Alexandre Oliva (moved to
•worse: if every nascent network goes for such interoperation, there won't be any way to stay away from that cesspool.
I love the notion of adversarial interoperation, and I think it makes a lot of sense to mandate it onto dominant players
but it looks like we're still missing an important part of the puzzle to avoid making the problem worse by connecting our safe havens to the cesspool
•I would like this framed
Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.