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#Germany is the "world champion in remembrance," celebrated for its post-#Holocaust policies of ensuring that every German never forgot what had been done in their names, and in holding themselves and future generations accountable for the Nazis' crimes.


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Three 'stumbling stones' ('stolpersteine') set into the sidewalk in the Mitte, in Berlin; they memorialize Jews who lived nearby until they were deported to Auschwitz and murdered.

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Excuse me, can you explain what #GND stands for? All I can think of is that GND is short for "ground" in electronics...
This makes me feel seen, can't wait to see those shared anxieties come to life on the pages of The Lost Cause.

Will it also be released as one of your wonderful #audiobooks?

Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.

@chickamora Yes! And I'm going to read it! It will be the first novel of mine that I read the audiobook for.
How very exciting! And how nice of you, to give us something to look forward to in these dire times.
Oh! It just dawned on me.

Red, white, and blue, stars and stripes, USA, spirit of America, flags, etc etc. Being patriotic was cool! It was branding on a whole new level. The Bicentennial in 1976 was a huge celebration. We all partied and it wasn't partisan. THAT opened the door.

1980. Money was cool. Wall Street was cool. They convinced us we could all be rich. We could spend borrowed money and nobody cared. We waltzed right through that door.
Also those labeled as "Asocial" or "Arbeitsscheu" (unwilling to work) are often forgotten. They were sent from work house to concentration camp, for offenses like being unhoused or having gotten pregnant out of wedlock. Many were not rehabilitated and did not receive reparations. The German Wikipedia article is translated in 0 languages at this time.
Image of the black triangle worn in concentration camps by those labeled "Asocial" with old-german lettering above saying "Asozial" from a contemporary table of prisoner markings.
P.s. The server I am on is a mastodon instance for a culture of #rememberance. We want to improve the visibility of and networks between initiatives and individuals who are keeping the memory of the victims of fascism alive. Our work of rememberance is dedicated to the memory of those murdered and persecuted everywhere in the world. @pluralistic
and YET a not-so-small portion of german people vote for openly fascist parties :(

Also Connecticut: Similar memorials at locations where slaves were known to live. Not yet at the scale of Germany, but making progress. (When I get over the cold, I'll post some pictures.)
Since I follow this account, I’m going to see every post in a long thread whether you wrap each toot in a content warning or not.
Content warnings don’t save space, they create an extra step in reading the post. I don’t get it.
on my walking tour today it was said that, apparently, combining all the stumble stones together would create the largest monument in the world -- quite sad.


Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.

@kazaii The holocaust memorial in Berlin is about 19 times larger than all 100000 Stolpersteine together. But if you see all of them together on their sites as one memorial, then it is really large, spanning not only Germany but most of Europe.
@rstein oh, yikes. Thanks for letting me know that one. We're heading to Berlin tomorrow.
@kazaii If you visit the memorial in a group, walk it alone and go to the deep places. Much more intense. Got my 10th graders very silent.
@rstein @kazaii
Pictures for reference. (own work)
Holocaust memorial in Berlin. Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
Holocaust memorial in Berlin. Holocaust memorial in Berlin.
If anyone wants more information about Stolpersteine, there is a website (in English and German).