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BIG NEWS:, the world's 2nd biggest Mastodon instance, has just been acquired.

The entity acquiring them is the Mask Group, an entity that also runs and They are also active in the so-called "Web 3.0" space.

If you haven't heard of, it's because many instances have de-federated from it.

4 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

Like it or not, it should no longer be assumed that "volunteers" are running your instances.

The Mask Group, which now runs three large instances "has raised over US$50 million from private and institutional backers"—their words not mine.
There's going to be a massive land grab of all these big instances. There will be lots of merging and acquiring too.

My advice is that you all become *very* aware of who owns your instance and why.

Get to know your admins—make sure their values align with your own.

If you don't want to put your social media life in the hands of strangers, then self-host your own instance.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

2 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

To everyone using and remember, you're not locked into those instances.

If you want, you can migrate elsewhere.

This is not Twitter—you have a choice regarding where your home will be on the Fediverse.

Grzegorz Wapińskiudostępnił to.

A warning: there's going to be a concerted effort to re-centralize the Fediverse.

As we've just seen with the acquisition of, that's already happening.

What are you going to do to thwart this trend?

Grzegorz Wapińskiudostępnił to.

Everyone needs to be aware that Mask Group trades a crypto token.

This same entity now owns,, and
The Mask Network's native token (MASK) is currently trading at $2.28 having slumped by 1.08% over the past 24-hours, according to CoinMarketCap.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

2 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej