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Fuck Facebook and NFT.
WE are the real Metaverse. WE are the actual Web3.0. WE are open, decentralized, empowering, not THEM.

The world hasn't seen a network quite like Fediverse. Such networks need a name and a definition, and they STOLE it from us. They played you like a goddamn fiddle.

4 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

I stand by this type of entities needing a definition because eventually, we will have to move on. Something like Fediverse but better will emerge, maybe with different protocol, maybe with different federation principle (ask @cwebber about their work on CapTP or @mike about what he does with Zot), but inevitably so. It will be similar in decentralization, opennes and empowerment, but it won't be The Fediverse, it will be something else, albeit from the same family of networks.
by the way. Where is Evan? Has he long forgotten us?

He hasn't forgotten us but put off joining the activitypub space because he wanted to run his own tech on it, and then didn't have time, and I think then it kind of felt awkward for him, but he's meant to join. You know what, I'm finally gonna shoot him an invite for this instance, he should be on here already :)
YES. I get the pride of rolling your own from start to finish, but what he did already earned him a lifetime achievement award, all the laurels and candy in the world and an

"I invented this
You are f**king welcome"

t-shirt. He NEEDS to see and experience and take part in what his work from 13 years ago started. Meanwhile he still can code his own engine.

New is relative. XMPP is about 20 years old. SMTP at least 30.

@wolf480pl @drq
@Rysiekúr Memesson @Dr. Quadragon ❌ @Wolf480pl @Strypey what is new is that federated networks have probably reached critical mass to became attractive to average people
because hating an out-group member together is fun
Yeah, but I thought he complied already? Or did he just admit it's Mastodon without publishing the source?
He published the source without admitting it was Mastodon. Until you actually read that tarball, that is...
yeah looks like there is source. If he's complying with the license, IMO no need to worry any further.
they published but they didn't used a git and didn't put a link on the main page
it's not like everyone in FOSS always obeys the attribution requirements anyway.
oh so not compliant. Well, that's a problem.
federated systems need not face this issue, though
just spin up more instances, and you scale at will
what makes scalability hard is the need to present a collection of servers as one. removing that artificial need is the simplest way to address the problem
1) the gab situation was stressful
2) experience:
Not every politician is an expert ;)
It will again need more awareness in political work that
Dumb !== mastodon && mastodon !== activitypub && activitypub !== fediverse and that a funded European Fediverse of Trust is still possible ;)
3) my personal hate about the guy
ok. ack
that confirms and corrects previously mentioned point 3 -
let's hate together ;)
well, meanwhile “compliant” after various protest letters (e.g. from SFC and mastodon). Posted this article initially
yes, let's be toxic together
Its worth thinking for a moment how we talk about #mainstreaming tech. Likely "trump" has nothing to do with the codeing of "truth social" a fan/underlying has likely been delegated. Q. who are they, they likely have history, if people can dig this out you can see were the project is going. "Trump" just waved a hand.
... It's not about caring. Some people need something to complain about. It's been a slow news week.