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I met someone cute in the woods by the lake in NY. Embarrassing that I didn’t know their name!
A medium sized spider on a rock with long striped legs.
oh gosh and now someone else has landed on my knee. “Do you remember bee?” she asked.

I didn’t expect this walk alone in the woods to be such a social event. Who will show up next?!
A friendly bumble rested on my knee until she realized I was not made of nectar and left.

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

Now I’ve discovered this baby spider in my sweater. Ballooning is dangerous little one!
Close up of a fuzzy sweater A tiny shiny brown spider climbs the fibers.
Someone was passed out on the lichen covered tree stump. I thought this was a good neighborhood.
Blue and green flakes of lichens
The pupae of a moth
Finally someone I recognize at this crazy party! A big beautiful field ant! Though she was missing a leg and clearly far from her colony. They have probably sealed the entrance for the winter by now. She’s an older worker. Sometimes they wander far from the nest in their twilight days as if to see a little bit of the world before they die. (Formica pallidefulva I think)
A field ant on the lichen.
Closer look at the ant so we can find the species later.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (11 miesiące temu)

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

Very nice! What are you using to take those pics with?
Ah, macro mode, I’m assuming… Or are those just really big ants? 😄
How could you tell she's an older one?
She’s not near her nest at all. The missing leg. Young ants don’t take as many risks.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (11 miesiące temu)
I think maybe you should get to work on that pupae, little one. Though the fuzz is very impressive!
A white caterpillar with long impressive fuzz and a shiny black face.

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

this caterpillar “shopped the look” from albert einstein
Thanks for sharing so much of your journey with us. :)
As someone who hasn't had a haircut since before the pandemic, I feel very, very seen here. 😂
can you take them home? Or do they not function well if fed in a protective space?

Ants get depressed when alone. At least out there she might make it back home.

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

which makes sense ofc... I mean how would one communicate with an individual ant good enough to be able to explain motivations? Like "I am trying to help you!"

Look I'm not a weirdo I'm just kinda emotionally invested in that one legless ant
May we all be so lucky.
She's going on one last journey further from home than ever before, she feels brave in her old age, the risks are high, but maybe she can discover a new source of aphids or something big that will change the future of her colony.

If not at least she'll find out what lies beyond the great flat rocks.
A drawing of an ant, she is red with little highlights and has 5 legs.

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

I want to "like" and appreciate your ant posts. Truly I do - I understand how interesting they are. But I just can't bring myself to do it! 😏 🐜
That's my main problem - formic acid causes me hives!
most arthropods regrow missing limbs when they molt. But ants don't usually molt after they pupate. So is an ant with a missing limb short a limb for the rest of their life?
probably don’t want to know the answer, but: if she does discover something good, can she communicate it to her colony if they’ve already closed for winter? 😢

probably yes! The nest is just sealed with a bit of loose soil, if that, it's easy for her to get back in.
oh yay! Now I’m glad I asked. Knowing nothing about this topic I was thinking the sealing was a more serious impediment. Thank you!
Looks like the being is settled in for a long winter’s nap.
Looks like my cabin neighbour, the Praktulvedderkopp. (Acantholycosa lignaria)
A pretty spider on a piece of wood.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (11 miesiące temu)

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.