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We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (, and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (
Can you be honest with us about what is going on with your company? How can we help you get back on track? -Sincerely, a concerned, supportive user.
"Ever since we shutdown and disengaged from Mastodon, the sentiment analysis on our social media posts regarding our AI initiatives shows positive reactions went up a staggering 857%! I guess everyone on X seems to like them! A great win for our sharehol—I mean, our sponsors!"
"we've made the hard decision to avoid public forums where people can call us on our bullshit"
Mozilla trying to insulate themselves from their community because they know the community they've built doesn't approve of the things they want.
The people who only really support them or use their products, because it's well known that most of the world is chromium based, so they don't have swathes of normies to replace the people they alienate with these practices.

@Draconic_NEO @letsbekind2 Exactly!

We Firefox users are literally <4% of the users on most of these sites. Who do they think they are going to win over? What is their overall plan? They're clearly high as fuck on some silicon valley bullshit.
Mozilla graveyard is starting to get full and you're jump into ads and AI is *not* what we want. We want an open source, non-data collecting and independent web browser and mail client via Firefox and Thunderbird, in order to avoid the Chromium monoculture.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (5 miesiące temu)
with this being an experiment and all, will you write sort of what you learned? What questions you wanted to answer with the experiment and what those answers were?

Jakub Klawiter :mastodon:udostępnił to.

I just hope the money you save by shutting down can be used to go towards your AI chatbot bullshit that none of your users actually fucking want.
I guess AI, something nobody asked for, takes too much resources.
Zoidberg "you should feel bad" meme.
outside the engineering teams, a Firefox account never actually came to Mastodon. On Threads, Firefox doesn't even use the Fediverse integration.

I always found that a little weird.

But, I guess we now know - outside engineering, the Fediverse is not something Mozilla + Firefox ever really believed in.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (5 miesiące temu)
@chris_hayes I think it's probably for the better. I prefer having the people of Mozilla to the official corporate account run by some PR pro here.
Wait until you realise how useful the training data would be!
Mozilla is such a terrible company, really sucks that they are the only alternative to chromium based browsers, and they still suck as a company.

This is why we need a community maintained browser, something that is made by the community and for the community. Where those maintaining it aren't insulated from the community's wishes. Mozilla is insulated from them and that's a big problem for the future of Firefox, and anything else they make.


Ostrzeżenie o treści: Pale Moon and bigotry

Why was this decision "hard" for you? Could you elaborate in one or two paragraphs, please?
All that because many, many people are telling you openly here on the Fediverse about all the bullshit you're doing with the browser and many other things and you are not able to silence all of them?
Nice move Mozilla! Yet again and as usual.
Instead of doing something good, you're doing another bunch of crap things and shooting yourself directly in the knees. Bravo you! 👍👏