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Does anyone know anything about cohost?

They are catching a few eyes as a tumblr replacement... mostly by replicating the tags system and signaling they won't ban porn.

But I want to know: will they be subscribe-able via the fedi?

I think it's worth noting that simply by saying they will replicate how a beloved feature works they have gotten a lot of traction. The Mastodon response would be "we have tags at home" (that aren't as good as the tublr system)

But that's what drives growth.
I use Cohost heavily and I know some of the administrators.

I think it is a really good website. It's a good feeling community. I like how it has a non-growth-oriented mindset. They're trying to reach sustainability and trying to make a good space for the users they have. I think that's a good approach. More like a forum than a social network.

They are almost certainly never going to federate. I've had conversations with them about it, they simply don't understand the benefit.
@mcc @myrmepropagandist
What does a non-growth-oriented mindset mean?
Or what is the funding model for this project ?
@miklo As I understand they are attempting to make a specific, modestly sized group of people happy and then sell them subscriptions.
@mcc @myrmepropagandist
As I looked closer I have mixed feelings about this #cohost: on the one hand an interesting anti-capitalist #manifesto of the creators (owners?): , on the other hand a #centralized platform on #proprietary code a bit does not fit the message of this manifesto and its users are as much at the mercy of the platform owners as in other corpo-platforms
Given the way tumblr users generally use reblogs... they would fit in here extremely well. This is a group of users that understand that you need to reshare the timeline you want to see in the world. (something former twitter users struggle with)

But, the opaqueness of search and the janky-ness of subscribing to and using tags here would be a big hurdle. One that could be crossed, I think. But, not as things are now.

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

Tumblr feels like a mirror image of here to me.
I mean... their primary interaction is essentially a quote post.
the weirdest thing about tumblr is the way likes work - it’s as if you like the entire thread, all past and future posts included, not any individual post. When it sounded like they were going to federate I was really curious how they were going to handle that
I also have a cohost, and I generally like it there. However, it's definitely not very big or diverse in it's user-base, which can be limiting.

You can re-post, and quote-post. Tags are the primary way you find people, which is ok.

I do like the way they handle content warnings; you can add a CW to a post, like here. But, you can also tell it to "always show" you posts with a specific warning so you don't have to click. (A little more standardization, and recognizing plurals and stuff would be nice, but hey, it's better than most!)

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

I would LOVE to see better tagging systems develop on Mastodon, though. Tumblr really got tags right (it got a lot right). It's sad to see that federation won't be coming to it any time soon.
well, how do the tags at tumblr work? Part of what’s nice about open systems is we can just make it ourselves and steal the parts of mastodon we like
My only experience with Tumblr is from reading screenshots of posts etc, but as a Cohost user, Cohost has a lot of the same vibes. I see it as a cross between LiveJournal and Tumblr, especially considering the userbase. I like it overall, but…On the minus side they do a lot of the "we can fix bigotry through programming" stuff that Fedi does with the same mixed results (fewer outright bigots but still plenty of racist micro/aggressions, and community-building is an uphill effort).
Ten wpis został zedytowany (8 miesiące temu)

myrmepropagandistudostępnił to.

cohost is what I use as my primary social media. One of the cofounders is a friend of mine, so I have additional reasons most people don’t to trust it.

It’s not fediverse compatible, they’re doing their own thing and don’t (afaik) see that as a positive thing to add. Based on the vibes contrast I’ve seen, I tend to agree with them.
I'm amazed that that site still exists. I keep forgetting about it only to see a linked post by their founders some time later saying something like, "yeah our Financials are totally in the red but thankfully a kind leprechaun gave us some more investment." Like Stadia, it's a centralized dead end with no future, but I gotta admit they've got a real talent for dragging out the inevitable!

But it is inevitable. I certainly wouldn't put anything there that I wanted to last lolol...
The biggest problem I've found with #hashtags on fedi is the fedi part. If you're on a small instance and/or one that regularly clears its cache, the tags will be empty. Search tells me I'm the only one who's ever heard of Animorphs or Freedom Planet, and one of only a handful of people posting about these obscure fantasy creatures called *dragons*.

There's also the fact that (on #Mastodon; can't speak to others) tags eat up your allowed word count.
I'm at the point where, if I don't own the equivalent to the email list, I don't want to use it. Why build community, a network, unless you're free to move beyond any specific service and still remain in touch?