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For those of you, like me, watching America’s rapid descent into fascism in abject horror from the sidelines in Europe, remember: where America goes, the West soon follows. If we don’t like where that is, we must do better than doing the same things and hoping for different outcomes.

What I’m saying is America is a warning, not an instruction manual.

#america #us #usa #republicans #conservatives #fascism #europe #eu
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)
some European countries are even ahead of the curve 8-(
I share your concerns. It is easy to imagine a rapid decline in Europe, sparked by what is happening overseas. Sweden and Denmark, for example, already have fascists in their governments, so the conditions there are ripe.

Aral Balkanudostępnił to.

@chrisg And not just Sweden and Denmark, either. The Tories in the UK are a breath away from Trumpism, if that. We have our own Orbans and Le Pens. We can draw cautionary tales from what’s happening in the US and elsewhere (Türkiye, etc.) but we must not let the spectacle of America distract us from tackling the problem in our own back yards.
@chrisg not to mention what works for you guys can inspire us here. It's a global struggle!
@chrisg Have you noticed that the media in the UK never describe the Tories as being a far right party?
Right wing politics is joined at the hip to our billionaire owned right wing media.
@chrisg the Tories in Britain are shuffling steadily to the right, their handling of immigration, race, democracy, plus their blatant and unremitting corruption, suggest they're effectively fascist now.
@chrisg It's the natural progression of trying to live in an environment of lies and fantasy. Once reality clashes with swivel eyed lunacy we get this, madness.
@chrisg Macron is France is a breath away from trumpism, too. Let us be real, "the West" as a whole is descending into fascism.
as someone living in the UK I fear it might be too late for a warning for some of us …
since the people who talk the most about fascism happen to know the least about it, bar none, would you please explain what you think it is to prove you're not one of them?
Europe could lend us a hand...a lot of Euros spent in Florida every year...
I am not convinced the UK is actually any better. And the UK lacks the constitutional protections that could prevent it getting worse.
What few protections did exist have been removed by the current government; no longer is the judiciary able to hold the government to account for infringements.  And the legislative framework is in place for a complete de facto ban on protests.
@glynmoody uh hate to break it to you but if you think they're only now descending into fascism, I've some bad news for you about what happened in 1945-46 to the vast majority of influential Nazi scientists...
at what point in history did "the West" become something that the US supposedly wanted to be part of despite railing against Europe's central bankers from the word go?
For those of us in the US watching our rapid descent into fascism in abject horror, I'm hoping Europe will accept refugees more willingly than we did during WWII. 😬
#Fascism is a global problem, & democratic republics are always a couple of elections away from embracing #authoritarianism on a national scale.

With the exception of #Antarctica 🇦🇶, Fascism has been creepingly gaining power on every continent & region.

But one thing I have noticed is that fascists support each other internationally & swap strategies with each other.

Maybe it's time for those who oppose fascism to do the same‽
meanwhile in Israel, corrupt PM Nethanyahu who's whithstanding trils these days is actively changing the court system so he has total control over it, as well as over the police, army, and the government, and being a classic fascist he doesn't care about the mass protests against him and his regime of fanatic terrorists, just like Germany 1932. Fascism is indeed growing rapidly - where will Europe go with it?
Italy has started on that path in 1994 with Berlusconi.
Now, it has a chair of the Senate who keeps a bust of Mussolini at home.
Italy is already there.
… +++ …
you’re describing our foreign policy as well as domestic.
In regards to foreign policy, it’s not just half the population cheering for it. It’s nearly everybody.
The “anti war” left is now cheerleading for WWIII consuming corporate propaganda like meth addicts and programmed to accuse anyone speaking out against our proxy war as a tankie, a Russian bot or a Putin lover.
The UK is already going there, funded by the same "dark money"
I'm getting really depressed...
Democracies are under threat from moneyed interests

Putin is funding a war because "Ukraine isn't a real country", Republicans are funding a disinformation campaign because "Canada isn't a real country", noticing a theme here.

All of these right wing movements are linked to fundamentalist religions, tech libertarians, the oil industry & its financiers.
No other Americans in this ENTIRE thread? Cute echo chamber you built here... American here... Literally like 60% of the country is perfectly fine.
I'm not saying things are great here, but really its no worse than its ever been.
Buncha fear mongering idiots, the lot of you....
It's an amazing day out and the people in my city are as beautiful and friendly as ever.
Unlike whatever cesspool the loudest of you grew up in, many of us still know how to take care of oneanother.
get me out of here!!! D:
The problem is that unlike the #USA there is neither an effecive deterrence nor legal self-defense - not only since #EUgunban.

And that is a problem!!!
It may look like we're not doing anything but trust me, we are.
I think it's time other western countries start condemning America on the world stage for their policies that infringe on the human rights of its citizens.
Suddenly feeling like a red white and blue canary...
There are plenty of European countries such as Hungary and Italy that are further along the road to fascism than the US. Europe has always been foremost in classic fascism, and the US should have taken a warning from what was happening there.
It might be very helpful if world leaders didn't bend over backward to avoid explaining that the GOP is the American Nazi Party now. Are they just afraid, or nazi sympathizers?
the current political direction from both labour and the Tories is to follow the US regardless of consequence to the UK and it's financial markets. USA is corporate driven, which basically hands political power to capitalists via the back door. Look at the control centrica/BP/Shell have over the UK economy currently.
Living here (I;m a dual US-UK citizen) is turning into a daily nightmare of ever increasing violence & the GOP rhetoric that bolsters & enables it to metastasize.

Our Attorney General appears to be running an appeasement bureau for ultra-rich criminals & violent fascists in or running for elected office.

I fear we are staring at an unfolding repeat of the genocidal terror wrought by Stalin & Hitler from the 1930s onward.

Fascism flourishes where apathy, & appeasement are abundant.
have you not seen England atm? We're well on the way to authoritarianism and fascism. I don't see a way to successfully oppose this - we're making plans to leave.
it's happening in the UK too, very quickly
Even if Europe doesn't follow, I don't want to live in a world where the US is a fascist adversary.
So many of us are working to beat back what we see coming, and that work is exhausting. You're right to treat us as a bellwether, unfortunately.
I mean maybe you could turn that lens of "abject horror" inward at the fascism that exists in the country you're in and work on that? At least perhaps not just have fatalism about the fascism in so called United States and give us a chance to prevail? Support us even? Shit...
Have been wanting our union to cut ties with the US for years. Toxic Media, Toxic Products, Toxic Ideology, Toxic politics. Can't think of anything good that originates from the hell space.
I am in Canada.... Our politics often follow America. We are terrified of what's happening. Spouse is looking for a new job and found an amazing job to apply for - but it would mean relocating to America. It's a hard no from both of us. No way would we consider moving there!
GOP appear to support Putin. Many appear to openly support Fascism.

We cannot assume US will continue to be allies of Europe.
Time for EU to bolster its military might. EU needs to consider its reliance on US control of its Nuclear arsenal.

UK can cooperate or be isolated.
Canada is always just a few steps behind the U.S. Our Conservative party is snuggling up to fascists.
Canada welcomes any blue states that want to join our Confederation.

You immediately get free healthcare, and a free bottle of real maple syrup.
I'm In a Blue US State, so I basically have a front row seat, I'm worried that fascism will spread to my state
Italy seems to be emulating US in regard to paving a road to fascism from what I have seen?
>"where America goes, the West soon follows"...except for:

Military Budget




Financial deregulation and "shadow banking" (no Canadian bank went under or needed a bailout)

America is "exceptional" in many ways, other nations *cannot* follow.

America would not qualify to join the EU, because your Senate and Elect. College make it too undemocratic under EU rules.

Pollster Michael Adams has done much work on how Canada is *diverging* from American culture.
@peterdeppisch We are now at war with Authoritarianism. Just because we are not in a shooting war with autocratic Republicans, does not negate the war. We are not shooting at China either, but there is a definite cold war.
Looking at "Schrems I", "Schrems II" I think that not all hope is lost in Europe.
I think you’re right, but I also think it’s a mistake. The trans attacks from the right establishment is a distraction from a much bigger mayhem to come. Mark my words.
We in the UK are far ahead of you, for once. At least your people had the good sense to vote the fascist in chief out.
You still have work to do, but we’re in a tailspin.
You bet Putin understood the domino theory far too well.
I’m sorry but the move to the right across Europe is boldly perceivable. The U.K. is particularly bad as human rights are swept away a piece at a time. #GTTO.
Canada! You stay seated. Hold your own beer and dont try anything funny. We dont need the American right-wingalings trying to rescue us again when they thought our freedum was taken away and our false first amendment was challenged.
In truth Canadians have no idea what that is. Our first amendment is about making Manitoba a province. Huzzah Manitoba! And Winnipeg too!
Then let's do something different in politics. Learn about the root cause of democracy's dysfunctions, and the solution.
@Rand Strauss
Read George Washington's farewell address about the horror of Party. Study Noam Chomsky and you'll have all you need to understand how, we the people refuse to stand up for ourselves and let the Wealthy Class rules over is.
@Aral Balkan
Seeing the danger is a start. What puzzled me was why no one else found the root cause- what democracy was missing that made parties needed. But this is typical for a well-established paradigm. It creates a culture where people think things "just are this way" and nothing can be done about it. Please join me, on #LetsMakePeopleCount
Re: "Already supporting Forward." Parties offer no solution. They are needed only because democracy was poorly designed. It was assumed that elections would make politicians accountable to voters, but they delivered very little in the beginning, and almost none now. Most people don't even know what accountability means. Looking for a better party is like looking for a better prayer. At best, it's comforting.
@Rand Strauss
If you go to the George Washington, Mt. Vernon website, or do a general search on, Same but add, farewell address party. You,ll understand where party in America comes from. Study that and come back to me then.

@Aral Balkan
Parts of Eastern Europe are, sadly, leading the way. USA is catching up.
This is why I can’t stand people getting mad about US politics being in their face, as if they are in some untouchable walled garden. Likewise, Americans need to see what’s happening elsewhere and care. Fascists are getting on planes and having meetings around the world. It’s a privilege to completely shut out politics. Those being harmed can’t do that, and need others to put on their courage pants and get in the discomfort with them until we can all crawl out together.

Aral Balkanudostępnił to.

it should be mandatory to visit #Auschwitz or #Dachau for everyone in Europa and to learn how #fascists came to power in Germany, it was not overnight, it was carefully planned with #misinformation it’s happening again!
@Aral Balkan As a citizen of #authoritarian state #2 in the EU , what I see as the biggest threat is the normalization of the participation in public life of parties and organizations with overtly proto-fascist agendas, which only a few years ago operated on the complete margins. Today they have representation in parliament and the mainstream media invite them to programs, giving them time and their millions of viewers to present their "views."
@miklo *nodds in agreement*

Those facist neither face actual criticism nor actual critics but usually are given a critics-free stage to spread their shit whilst being able to "medially execute" any opposition and minority under thunderous applause of the selected studio audience.
@miklo …and if they didn't self-marginalize themselves with their staunchly pro-russian stance despite the russian war of aggression against ukraine, we'd have even more problems in poland. but they're still invited in our state “public media”.
but when has america not been fascists? I’ll admit we have been moving out of fascism but it’s not been without fits and convulsions and that’s what you are seeing now. A dying party embracing the only solution they have, knowing they can’t win fair elections they instead focus on making elections irrelevant. But that in itself ain’t new. Honestly think they are delaying the inevitable and the backlash will be disastrous for the grifters only party.
I live in the fascist state of Florida where our fascist potato gov has dreams of becoming President fascist potato. You should be watching from here. It leaves one sick and horrified.
@CompletelyRatchet I can only imagine. Love + solidarity from the Emerald Isle :)
and these US fascists are following Hungary, Poland, etc.
Citizens of the remaining democracies need to push their governments to work together to establish and defend post-American standards o democratic governance. Because your correct - the former “leader of the free world is circling the drain.