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Hey #fediverse, if I were to use a flower in a logo for a thing related to technological resilience of websites, what flower should I use and why?

Looking for something easy to draw, easy to recognize, and with as much meaning and relevance as possible.

Dandelions perhaps? Pretty, fun, edible, and mostly seen as a weed (i.e. very resilient).
forget-me-not s?
Marigolds. They tend to regrow a flower after the rabbits snack on them.
peace lily is very resilient and there's peace in the name :D
a dandelion works really well for the uncensoreddns project. I used it for the same reasons you mentioned, though it is related to the resilience of the DNS specifically, so I was able to integrate the roots as well
oh damn! a flower with strong roots was exactly the idea I was playing with!

Back to the drawing board, eh!
I mean, sure, but I think the world is big enough for two logos featuring a flower with strong roots!

Don't discard the idea for my sake at least :)
sure thing. But two similar logos in similar project space is a bit much.

Still, it's very good to know this is used already!
A dandelion, probably not the flowered version, but the fuzzy one with all the seeds that are carried by the wind.

It's a resilient "weed" that distributes itself far and wide, offers good recognizability.
yup. I am strongly leaning dandelion, a lot of people suggested it and it's a perfect suggestion.
For a second I thought of a white rose, recalling the White Rose Opposition Movement of WW2 Germany. But on 2nd I thought it might be a bit too on-the-nose.
Flowers ain't exactly my things but I guess you can go with Chrysanthemums. Why? I'll let Wikipedia sheds some light on it,