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Users of Mastodon, Misskey and the Fediverse!

• How do you feel about being on a social network that isn’t moderated by a company, but by local instance admins?
• Do you ever experience unwanted content on here, and do you feel that it’s dealt with properly?
• Are instance rules part of the reason you chose your current instance?

@maiathecyberwitch and I would love to hear your thoughts on our survey:
Please respond and boost 💜
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)
The survey part of a wider research project on moderation and community management on decentralized, user-driven networks.

The findings will be published as an article afterwards, and result in a set of tools and recommendations for moderators, admins and community managers looking to establish similar decentralised social networks.

Thank you for participating - boost this so we get a wider reach💜

Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

Pandkaudostępnił to.

We also have a survey for mods and admins on the fediverse.

Check out this post for more info:

Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)