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Just look at the title of this Hypebot article 🤢

Any "content creator" trying to "save 100s of hours" on social media from ChatGPT is about to open a giant can of dead and rotting worms.

When you write bullshit, you attract bullshit -- and it's a lot easier to generate bullshit than it is to write something worth caring about.

And if people believe they're talking to bullshitting bots on social platforms, they will leave those social platforms.
CyberPR 100+ ChatGPT Prompts

How to use ChatGPT to create Social Media posts and save 100s of hours
If people leave social media because the bots are generating too much bullshit, it will just be bots talking to bots.

But these "content creators" won't even know that because they'll be too busy looking at metrics -- it won't even occur to them that the metrics themselves are bullshit.
@Chris Trottier
There are more and more people even on the fediverse who are OK with this because ;
- "we won't stop change".
- "in a few years anyway no one will be able to distinguish whether something was written by AI or a human".
- and so on similar....

Here my last discussion with a "content creator" and by the way admin of several instances of fedi (you have to translate from PL):

⚠️ #AIwarning #noAI ⚠️