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We've put together this explainer that goes into the main issues raised by LLMs for data protection. 🔖
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Europe will stay free and democratic if it builds its own digital infrastructure and can‘t be blackmailed. The recent threats by J.D. Vance and big tech companies should spurn us to act swiftly.
@PeopleVsBigTech @lobbycontrol
#bigtech #surveillancecapitalism #opensource
Beyond Big Tech: A manifesto for a new digital economy - People vs. Big Tech
70+ orgs back bold vision for a better, fairer digital world and call on states to invest for the public goodOlivia Boyd (People vs. Big Tech)
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But who is classified as a "potential terrorist?
A "shared understanding" was reached this year without democratic scrutiny. This left broad criteria for deciding who is a "potential terrorist or violent extremist threat".
The definition includes individuals categorised as:
• refugees and asylum seekers
• climate and environmental activists
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Skąd Facebook wie, z kim rozmawiasz tylko na Signalu - śledzenie parametrami URL
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O tym jak zbierałem metadane, zanim to było modne
O tym, jak Służba Bezpieczeńśtwa podsłuchiwała obywateli PRL i jak nie lubiła tych nagrań słuchać.starybezpiek.blogspot.com
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wolny internetudostępnił to.
3 ludzi lubi to
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They want five to seven 5 gigawatt data centers 🤯
OpenAI also wants 36 new semiconductor manufacturing facilities. TSMC is the largest semiconductor manufacturer and the only leading-edge manufacturer and they have 18.
OpenAI also wants to raise $7 trillion to realize that vision. Apple, Nvidia, Google, Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft have a combined $600 billion. Literally the richest companies in the world couldn't fund 10% of this vision.
OpenAI reportedly wants to build 5-gigawatt data centers, and nobody knows who could supply that much power
Five gigawatts is the kind of power a major city needs.David Meyer (Fortune)
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Tak, mamy premium content ;)
Jak rozwaliłem Trzecią Zaufaną Stronę – odc. 2 – Podcasty | Zaufana Trzecia Strona
Ten tytuł ten może być przez Was słusznie uznany za małe nadużycie, gdyż w zasadzie jego wytłumaczenie przypomina słynny dowcip o rowerach na Placu Czerwonym.…Zaufana Trzecia Strona
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Meta’s going to put AI-generated images in your Facebook and Instagram feeds
Meta is rolling out a test that puts AI-generated images in your Facebook and Instagram feeds. Some of the images could include your face.Emma Roth (The Verge)
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Launch of Social Web Foundation
Ostrzeżenie o treści: Leaders of the open social networking movement have formed the Social Web Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to making connections between social platforms with the open standard protocol ActivityPub. The “social web”, also called the “Fedive
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My pet peeve is https://shlee.fedipress.au/2024/call-to-action-fediverse-media-server/
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Ponad 200 tysięcy podpisów. Projektem „Stop łańcuchom” zajmie się Sejm
Potrzeba było 100 tysięcy podpisów pod projektem nowelizacji ustawy o ochronie zwierząt, żeby zajął się nim Sejm. „Mamy to!” – informuje OTOZ Animals.Katarzyna Kojzar (OKO.press)
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Poprzednie prasówki były zbyt czasochłonne, także mój obecny plan: prasówki krótsze, wypuszczane w poniedziałki - po weekendzie i w piątki - wtedy zakres od poniedziałku. Ta dot. prywatności i technologii bez podziału na podkategorie. Ta feministyczna, jeśli wróci - to także w formie krótszej, niż ostatnio (jeszcze zobaczę, z jaką częstotliwością). Dajcie znać, czy taka forma też Was interesuje
10 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej
Krótsza forma jak najbardziej ma sens. Choć i długie czytało się bdb.
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Link do zapisów: https://jesien.org/2024/zapisy/
#JesieńLinuksowa #prywatność #PLUG
Zapisy | Jesień Linuksowa 2024 – konferencja Wolnego Oprogramowania i systemu GNU/Linux
Spotkanie miłośników Wolnego Oprogramowania i GNU/Linuksa | 25-27 października 2024, Rybnikjesien.org
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As the technology available to the average hacker and maker gets better and cheaper each year, projects which at one time might have only been within the reach of government …read more
#hacking #projects
StratoSoar Glider Flies Itself From High Altitude
As the technology available to the average hacker and maker gets better and cheaper each year, projects which at one time might have only been within the reach of government agencies are inching cl…Hackaday
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There are alternatives. I've been running #tilvids for over 4 years now. We have great content creators like @thelinuxEXP sharing content. All people have to do is actually start voting with their eyeballs...
#tech #Technology #google
Tio lubi to.
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The best solution here is to have a number of similar content creators come together on one instance, prioritize their content there, and begin to build a community. Once they have done that, they can seek out a sponsor whose brand would benefit from their content/community, they could sponsor the instance, and then suddenly YouTube's value begins to diminish.
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DEF CON 32 - Disenshittify or die! How hackers can seize the means of computation - Cory Doctorow
The enshittification of the internet wasn't inevitable. The old, good internet gave way to the enshitternet because we let our bosses enshittify it. We took ...YouTube
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I missed your original account for too long and stopped checking if there are non-mirrored ones. Great to know the real deal was here after all.
Great talk.
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As autumn arrives in the northern hemisphere leaves will soon be turning shades of yellow, orange and red on their way to brown.
This graphic is an old favourite that looks at the colour chemistry involved: https://bit.ly/3Zx6Li6
Compound Interest: The Chemicals Behind the Colours of Autumn Leaves
With autumn looming on the horizon, the leaves on some trees have already begun the transition towards the vibrant hues of autumn. Whilst this change may outwardly seem like a simple one, the many …Compound Interest
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Life in the Bubble: How a nearby supernova left ephemeral footprints on the cosmic-ray spectrum and indelible imprints on life
The Earth sits inside a 300pc-wide void that was carved by a series of supernova explosions that went off tens of millions of years ago, pushing away interstellar gas and creating a bubble-like structure.arXiv.org
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As Greta’s politics have grown and evolved, they reached a point where they now make billionaire media owners, milquetoast executives of major non-profits, and more than a few politicians a little uncomfortable. All she’s done is follow the science, but over time the science has led her to see that the climate crisis doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There are massive monetary incentives to destroy the planet in this capitalist system.
ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and BP made over $100 billion in profits in 2023 alone. In following the science, Greta had to start examining the capitalist system if she wanted to get down to the root of the climate crisis.
But Greta kept going. When she published The Climate Book in 2022, the then 19-year-old activist had some words for the entire system we live under today:
"We are never going back to normal again because ‘normal’ was already a crisis. What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and the planet. It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression and genocide by the Global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.”
That was two years ago, and it’s no surprise she hasn’t been given the spotlight nearly as often since. In fact, in the wake of that book launch, she’s been the subject of countless hit pieces, and her Palestine solidarity activism has been denigrated as well.
Greta went from a cute kid saying that climate change is bad to a young adult rightly charging global systems with not only fueling the climate crisis but also being oppressive and grossly harmful to life in numerous other ways. And, perhaps most importantly, she sees these systems as interconnected and knows that radical change is necessary for the future of life on this planet.
FULL ESSAY -- https://www.jphilll.com/p/gretas-growth
#Politics #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange
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One of the hardest things about studying electricity, and by extension electronics, is that you generally can’t touch or see anything directly, and if you can you’re generally having a …read more
#hacking #projects
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"WhatsApp będzie wymagał podpisania osobnej umowy z każdym dostawcą Matrixa, który chce korzystać z interoperacyjności z WhatsAppem."
#KE powinna za takie praktyki dojechać #meta ****** nabijanym gwoździami.
Właściwie wg tej logiki to takie usługi jak gmail też powinny wymagać od każdego właściciela serwera pocztowego podpisania stosownej umowy, czyż nie ?
BTW każdy posiadacz serwera matrix, który taką umowę podpisze będzie (dla mnie) pożytecznym idiotą meta.
2 ludzi lubi to
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Read our report in:
• English: https://ooni.org/post/2024-kazakhstan-report/
• Russian: https://ooni.org/ru/post/2024-kazakhstan-report/
#ooni #censorship #report #opendata
Kazakhstan: TLS MITM attacks and blocking of news media, human rights, and circumvention tool sites
This report documents TLS MITM attacks and the blocking of news media, human rights and circumvention tools websites in Kazakhstan based on OONI data.ooni.org
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Project Analyzing Human Language Usage Shuts Down Because ‘Generative AI Has Polluted the Data’
Wordfreq shuts down because "I don’t think anyone has reliable information about post-2021 language usage by humans.”Jason Koebler (404 Media)
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W programie: #DevOps, #security, #gaming, #prywatność i więcej!
Goście specjalni: Kuba Mrugalski (@unknow), Tomasz Zieliński (@infzakladowy)
Dodatkowo: 💬 Unconference ⚡ Lightning Talks 🎉 Fedora release party!
Do zobaczenia! 🥳
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Fragment obrazka autorstwa Mimooh na licencji CC BY-SA 3.0.
Agenda | Jesień Linuksowa 2024 – konferencja Wolnego Oprogramowania i systemu GNU/Linux
Spotkanie miłośników Wolnego Oprogramowania i GNU/Linuksa | 25-27 października 2024, RybnikJesień Linuksowa 2024
Logo Jesieni Linuksowej (stylizowany żółty liść i nazwa konferencji), 20. edycja.
Sprawdź listę prelekcji i warsztatów na naszej stronie internetowej.
Grafika: trzy pingwiny, siedzące jak trzy małpki – jeden zakrywa oczy, drugi uszy, trzeci dziób.
25-27 października 2024, Rybnik
Relacja z tego wydarzenia:
Więcej o samym projekcie: https://moa.edu.pl/projekt-ariss-w-moa/
#hamradio #2m
@ARISS - Amateur Radio on ISS
ARISS - kontakt z ISS.
Projekt tworzą Młodzieżowe Obserwatorium Astronomiczne im. Kazimierza Kordylewskiego w Niepołomicach oraz Niepołomicki Klub Krótkofalowców SP9MOA.Osoby koord...YouTube
Sławomir Wójcik lubi to.
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In addition, metal balls were placed around the pager batteries, allowing the explosive force to propel metal fragments outward, significantly increasing the lethality of the blast.
How did Hezbollah get the pagers that exploded in Lebanon?
Al Jazeera traces a pager supply chain from Taiwan to Hungary to Lebanon — including a three-month port layover.Sarah Shamim (Al Jazeera)
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Mozilla.social will shut down the Mastodon instance...
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GOTOWOŚĆ ZORZOWA 16.09.2024: Rozbłysk klasy X4.5 z CME o asymetrycznym halo (14.09.2024) | Prognozowana silna burza magnetyczna kategorii G3
W sobotę 14.09 o godz. 15:29 UTC doszło do silnego rozbłysku klasy X4.5 w regionie aktywnym 3825 nieopodal południowo-wschodniej krawędzi t...Hawkeye (Blogger)
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Oświadczenie w sprawie konieczności zakazu prowadzenia mediów przez władze samorządowe - Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog
Stowarzyszenie Gazet Lokalnych, Stowarzyszenie Mediów Lokalnych, Izba Wydawców Prasy, Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka i Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska popierają propozycję Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego przedstawioną w dokumencie…Redakcja (Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska)
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mikołajczyk, podobno lubi to.
Miejska gazetka czy propaganda sukcesu za prawie 4 miliony? - Łódź Cała Naprzód
Według władz Łodzi, wydawana od 2021 roku miejska gazeta Łódź.pl jest odpowiedzią na potrzebę informowania mieszkańców o lokalnych sprawach, o których media ogólnopolskie milczą.Justyna Wołkowska (Łódź Cała Naprzód)
mikołajczyk, podobno lubi to.
mikołajczyk, podobno lubi to.
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Art that captures the fleeting beauty of nature.
#art #MastoArt #artist #creativity #beauty
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#Linux #natron #compositing #visual #effects #motion #graphics #node
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Probably only noticed because I normally have a blank new tab page but this showed up after updating Firefox!
Customize items on your Firefox New Tab page | Firefox Help
Learn how to customize different items on your Firefox New Tab page.support.mozilla.org
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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦udostępnił to.
I really wish they put that on the settings for it, instead of just... not mentioning it. Ugh.
1) Affected users need to be aware of this
2) A mere 2 months ago when people made an uproar about Firefox adding a new completely different privacy-sensitive default without user consent, their official response included:
"We consider modal consent dialogs to be a user-hostile distraction from better defaults"
Here's their better defaults.
(source: Firefox CTO Bobby Holley https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/1e43w7v/a_word_about_private_attribution_in_firefox/)
"Do you share my IP address?
When weather suggestions are enabled, Firefox doesn’t share your IP address or any personally identifiable information outside Mozilla servers. When weather suggestions are disabled or hidden, Firefox doesn’t share your IP address or any PII related to the weather feature with Mozilla servers."
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Nie możecie się doczekać Jesieni Linuksowej? Mamy dla Was świetną wiadomość - bilety EARLY BIRDS są już dostępne! 🌟
Dlaczego warto kupić bilet teraz?
🔹 Gwarancja najniższej ceny – w kolejnych tygodniach będzie tylko drożej!
🔹 Jubileuszowa, 20. edycja wydarzenia – to coś, czego nie można przegapić!
🔹 Dostępny bilet z noclegiem – czyli idealna okazja do długich dyskusji w gronie pasjonatów Linuksa, nawet do późnej nocy.
Czytaj dalej po link
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Agenda wydarzenia i lista prelegentów są w trakcie finalizacji, ale jedno jest pewne – liczba zgłoszeń do CFP przerosła nasze oczekiwania! A to oznacza niezwykle bogaty program. ❤️🚀
Nie zwlekajcie, złapcie swoje bilety już dziś: https://jesien.org/2024/zapisy/
Fragment obrazka autorstwa Mimooh na licencji CC BY-SA 3.0.
#JesieńLinuksowa #JesieńLinuksowa2024 #Linux #OpenSource #DevOps #FreeSoftware #CFP #Konferencja #IT #PLUG #LinuxCommunity
Zapisy | Jesień Linuksowa 2024 – konferencja Wolnego Oprogramowania i systemu GNU/Linux
Spotkanie miłośników Wolnego Oprogramowania i GNU/Linuksa | 25-27 października 2024, Rybnikjesien.org
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School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety
Imagine your search terms, key-strokes, private chats and photographs are being monitored every time they are sent.Electronic Frontier Foundation
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#RODO #higienacyfrowa #dzieci #szkoła #edukacja #edukacjamedialna
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But don't worry, the company that is unable to correctly implement a toggle switch assures us that they definitely implemented this new immensely complex piece of technology nobody asked for directly in the operating system in a way that is secure and under no circumstances puts anyone in danger in ways security researchers said it will.
Microsoft confirms that Windows 11 Recall AI is not optional — a glitch made it appear so in the Windows 11 24H2 KB5041865 update
Windows senior product manager Brandon LeBlanc says, "This will be fixed in an upcoming update."Christopher Harper (Tom's Hardware)
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4K Restoration: 1984 Super Bowl APPLE MACINTOSH Ad by Ridley Scott
During Superbowl XVIII Apple ran their "1984" Super Bowl Commercial directed by Ridley Scott, starring Anya Major & David Graham, & conceived by Steve Hayden...YouTube
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Data from ERSSTv5 at https://psl.noaa.gov/data/gridded/data.noaa.ersst.v5.html
: NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
US Department of Commerce, NOAA, Physical Sciences Laboratorypsl.noaa.gov
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The Starliner spacecraft has started to emit strange noises
"I don't know what's making it."Ars Technica
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Perhaps Apple, due to their M3 chips?
Or perhaps even OpenAI, weirdly. Because the "investment" OpenAI got from Microsoft (billions of dollars) was in a large part credits to use MS Azure infra. And Microsoft reportedly invested billions of USD into AI infra:
Microsoft plans to spend even more on AI infrastructure
The company shelled out nearly $11 billion for property and equipment in the third quarter — 66% more than it spent in the same period a year ago.Shubhangi Goel (Insider)
Panoptykonudostępnił to.
•The UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention issued a warning that this could "increase polarisation by wrongly labelling activists as radicals and trivialising terrorism.”
Statewatch | EU: Definition of “potential terrorists” opens door to broad information-sharing
www.statewatch.org3 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej
Kierunkowy74, b9AcE i Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦udostępnił to.
Geriatric Gardener
•As we’ve seen in the UK, the vague language used in several of our recent anti-terror legislation is increasingly being exploited by our security forces to target civic-rights activists and pro-Palestine/ anti-genocide independent journalists!
#Press #PressFreedom #Journalism #FreeSpeech
Maier Amsden