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Mamy wyrok w sprawie wyborów kopertowych. I to skandaliczny.
Trochę historii:
Poczta Polska w 2020 r. na podstawie decyzji Premiera pobrała dane wszystkich Polaków i Polek z bazy PESEL w celu organizacji wyborów kopertowych.
Od tego czasu sama decyzja Premiera została uznana za nieważną przez Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny.
Zapadły także inne prawomocne wyroki stwierdzające nielegalność organizacji “wyborów kopertowych”, a na wniosek prokuratury i sejmowej komisji śledczej
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“We took the photograph while we were en route from northern #Chile to Santiago, travelling to attend the first workshop on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for the Chilean astronomical community at ESO-Vitacura. Little did we know that this journey would present us with a once-in-a-lifetime observational opportunity!
The flight was delayed, and as the plane ascended, the timing coincided perfectly with sunset. By pure coincidence, the window seat in our row was unoccupied, providing us an unobstructed view of the breathtaking landscape below. It was then that we noticed a faint but unmistakable glow in the sky: Comet C/2024 G3 Atlas!
Eager to share this spectacle, we informed the flight attendants, who promptly passed on the news to the pilots. They were as enthusiastic as us, and they made an announcement to the passengers, describing the rare sight visible outside the plane. The pilots dimmed the cabin lights and even turned off the wing lights to enhance visibility, allowing everyone onboard to experience the comet in its full glory.
The cabin was filled with awe as passengers took pictures of the comet. This moment was a testament to how celestial events can bring people together, even at 30,000 feet!”
Thanks for sharing this wonderful image and story, Virginia Cuomo from the Astronomy Department of La Serena University in Chile and the Chilean Astronomical Society, and Annagrazia Puglisi from the School of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Southampton!
📷 Annagrazia Puglisi
#astrodon #astronomy #astrophotography #space #science
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« ‘Open Source And Ethical’ TikTok, WhatsApp And Instagram Alternatives Could Transform Social Media ».
The article mostly focused on #Pixelfed and did a fairly good job explaining how #ActivityPub works. But they spelled #Mastodon « Mastadon » over and over again with no links to it. Yikes.
B for the effort, but please editors do better!
‘Open Source And Ethical’ TikTok, WhatsApp And Instagram Alternatives Could Transform Social Media
As major platforms face mounting scrutiny over content moderation and user privacy, a developer's vision for ethical social media draws supportEsat Dedezade (Forbes)
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I Love Free Software Day 2025 - Poznań
Z tej okazji grupa Knyfyrtel Hackerspace Poznań wraz z Kołem Naukowym PUTrequest_ zapraszają na wieczór integracyjny pełen inspirujących prelekcji w formule Short Talks / Lightning Talks, po których nastąpi pyszny poczęstunek w postaci pizzy z napojami. 🍕🥤
📅 Kiedy? czwartek, 13 lutego 2025, godzina 18:00
📌 Gdzie? Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji Politechniki Poznańskiej, ul. Polanka 3, Poznań, sala 110
Pełną agendę i więcej informacji znajdziesz na oficjalnej stronie wydarzenia.
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Szczegóły lokalnej edycji: https://ilfs.linuksowa.pl/
Dowiedz się więcej na oficjalnej stronie FSFE: I Love Free Software Day
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NodeBB (oprogramowanie dla forów) oficjalnie dodało wsparcie ActivityPub
Można przetestować subskrybując na przykład !activitypub
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Gawkowski mówił "Big Techy na koniec kolejki"? No to sprawdzamy!
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#USPol #Trump #Musk
An information dark age is upon us. I’m logging off
As Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos attempt to reshape our reality, my advice is to avoid their toxic platforms and wait it outStewart Lee (The Guardian)
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Electricity company AES Andes proposed to locate a large-scale industrial complex just a few kilometres away from our Paranal Observatory. If constructed, the resulting dust emissions, increased atmospheric turbulence, and especially light #pollution, would irreparably impact the capabilities for astronomical observation.
We urge the involved parties, specifically AES Andes, to work with the Government of #Chile to relocate this megaproject to a zone compatible with industrial development without jeopardising the skies of Paranal.
Read more: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso2501/?lang
📷 ESO/P. Horálek
#environment #astrodon #astronomy #science
World's darkest and clearest skies at risk from industrial megaproject
On December 24th, AES Andes, a subsidiary of the US power company AES Corporation, submitted a project for a massive industrial complex for environmental impact assessment.www.eso.org
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🤦♂️ jfc
Because of course they are.
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#antifa #techbros
Timothy Snyder Speaks, ep. 13 : Cyberfascism
In one corner of the culture we have a conversation about fascism, and in another a conversation about cybersecurity. There is an unnoticed but basic overlap...YouTube
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• Apps' short description replaced with tags.
• Add breadcrumbs for page navigation.
• Page load errors displayed as alerts.
FreedomBox 24.26 released
FreedomBox 24.26 has been released and uploaded to Debian unstable. Typically, the freedombox package will migrate to testing in 2 days, and then can be uploaded to stable-backports.FreedomBox Forum
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- email: Fix DKIM signing by setting correct ownership on private keys
- nextcloud: remove experimental warning
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—Film Stop
#blender #blender3d #opensource
Why is Blender in Financial Trouble?
Donate to the Blender Fund - https://fund.blender.org/?utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=film_stop_D1FcYknxEY0Hope y'all enjoyed this video!YouTube
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One of the blockbuster talks at last year’s Chaos Communications Congress covered how a group of hackers discovered code that allegedly bricked public trains in Poland when they went into …read more
#hacking #projects
38C3: Lawsuits Are Temporary; Glory Is Forever
One of the blockbuster talks at last year’s Chaos Communications Congress covered how a group of hackers discovered code that allegedly bricked public trains in Poland when they went into ser…Hackaday
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Aerial and Drone Surveillance: 2024 in Review
We've been fighting against aerial surveillance for decades because we recognize the immense threat from Big Brother in the sky. Even if you’re behind within the confines of your backyard, you are exposed to eyes from above.Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Olga Matná-Schrödingerováudostępnił to.
Izraelski historyk o sytuacji w Gazie: „Przestałem mieć wątpliwości: to wygląda jak ludobójstwo” [ROZMOWA]
W rocznicę ataku Hamasu, który sprowokował izraelską inwazję na Gazę, rozmawiamy z izraelskim historykiem Omerem Bartowem. Badacz historii ludobójstwa w ostatnich miesiącach zmienił zdanie: działania Izraela w Gazie nazywa aktami ludobójczymiJakub Szymczak (OKO.press)
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It's not making anyone money. It's not enshittified. Of course it's not perfect—it's an endeavor of imperfect cooperating humans. But it needs protection and support.
Elon Musk Takes Aim at Wikipedia
The billionaire has become one of the most prominent supporters of President-elect Donald Trump.James Bickerton (Newsweek)
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"... indisputably true things."
Let's call them "highly reliable and consistently slightly biased" things, please. There will never be such a source. But one worth trusting when you have nothing else? Well it is worth something. And I would be angry if it didn't exist.
I'm talking about the Encyclopedia Brittanica too.
Encyclopedias can't help but be biased in their selection of topics, presentation of history etc. You only need to look at older editions to see this.
There is always a perspective. But one born of a peer-review like fight might be a little better than some of the other options.
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UN expert recommends ban on facial recognition in schools.
Também disponível em portuguêsPrivacy International
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Our Strategy to Catch the 2024 Geminid Meteors - Universe Today
Don’t let the bright Moon deter you from seeing the one of the best meteor showers of the year: the December Geminids.David Dickinson (Universe Today)
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dont give special treatment to the rich and powerful
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Z radością ogłaszamy, iż Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu właśnie zarejestrował nasze stowarzyszenie! 🥳 Po zaledwie 16 dniach od spotkania założycielskiego, zostaliśmy oficjalnie wpisani do rejestru stowarzyszeń KRS. Dziękujemy wszystkim którzy przyczynili się do finalizacji tego procesu!
#hackerspace #knyfyrtel #poznań #linuxcommunity
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Może wpadniecie całą ekipą na 19 Sesję Linuksową?
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At the time of its construction in the 1950s, the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory was the largest rotatable telescope in the world with a dish diameter of 25 meters. It was …read more
#hacking #projects
Amateur Radio Operators Detect Signals From Voyager 1
At the time of its construction in the 1950s, the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory was the largest rotatable telescope in the world with a dish diameter of 25 meters. It was quickly overtaken in the ran…Hackaday
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Strathnairn Nights
Strathnairn lies on the western edge of Canberra 🇦🇺, making it a great spot for astro photography in the mid-to-late Milky Way Core Season (Mar-Nov). In June 2024 I visited on a very cold, moonless early morning. Temperatures were -5C or so.Des Paroz (BalancedLight)
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XMPP is mostly known for chat but Libervia offers many more features such as blogs, fora, events & file sharing. It has gateways to other open protocols like #ActivityPub & email. He talks about Libervia, the political side of technology & offers advise about #NGI0 grants.
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Dziękujemy Wam za wszystkie odsłuchania i oceny naszego podcastu! My już szykujemy kolejne odcinki Zajawki, tymczasem zapraszamy do sprawdzenia zaległych odcinków i dodania nas do obserwowanych, gdziekolwiek nas słuchacie. Oprócz Spotify jesteśmy na Youtube, Deezer, Soundcloud i oczywiście PeerTube.
✅Zajawka na Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sUCMiZ7q4hPKHgAiOCF6Q?si=3LVKnYLLQgOvLP5BIspMRg
✅Peertube: https://tube.pol.social/w/p/3AFiwJPmqdtDCnWKuchSNj
✅Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3WN3cwuROn6g2q0ln6GuTG21R9lHh90U
✅Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/pl/show/1001021522
✅Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sie-obywatelska-watchdog/sets/zajawka-podcast-watchdoga?si=b37f6446be6c4690953db5aa2c83c637&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Brakuje nas jeszcze na Apple Podcast i pamiętamy o tych postulatach🙂 , mamy nadzieję, że to tylko kwestia czasu.
Dobrego wieczoru i do usłyszenia! 😉
Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska
Podcast · Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska · Podcast by Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog PolskaSpotify
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The idea that, say, sitting on a road is "radical", "extreme" and "criminal" came from a bunch of #FossilFuel aligned think tanks, parroted by the media.
Reject them.
The framing needs to be: Fossil fuel companies are radical, extreme, criminal.
Meet the Shadowy Global Network of Right-Wing Think Tanks
For decades, the think tanks associated with the little-known Atlas Network have pushed to criminalize climate protest around the world.The New Republic
The Guardian has also found striking similarities in the way governments from Canada and the US to Guatemala and Chile, from India and Tanzania to the UK, Europe and Australia, are cracking down on activists trying to protect the planet."
How criminalisation is being used to silence climate activists across the world
Guardian investigation finds growing number of countries passing anti-protest laws as part of playbook of tactics to intimidate people peacefully raising the alarmNina Lakhani (The Guardian)
Why Australia’s answer to Greta Thunberg is facing years behind bars
At 19, this climate activist is now facing serious legal consequences over a foiled protest outside the home of the boss of an energy giant in Western Australia. Here's why she still believes she's on the right side of history.Tessa Fox (SBS News)
After Spying on Standing Rock, TigerSwan Shopped Anti-Protest “Counterinsurgency” to Other Oil Companies
After infiltrating Standing Rock for pipeline giant Energy Transfer, TigerSwan mercenaries pitched spy services to other oil firms, new documents show.Alleen Brown (The Intercept)
To keep the #FossilFuel industry safe, #TigerSwan used #counterinsurgency tactics including:
social media monitoring,
HUMINT (spying)
liaising with law enforcement officials and agencies
local community engagement,
building a “pipeline narrative,” and partnering with university oil and gas programs.
“Win the populace, and you win the fight,” the presentation stated.
After Spying on Standing Rock, TigerSwan Shopped Anti-Protest “Counterinsurgency” to Other Oil Companies
After infiltrating Standing Rock for pipeline giant Energy Transfer, TigerSwan mercenaries pitched spy services to other oil firms, new documents show.Alleen Brown (The Intercept)
60% of US Oil and Gas Infrastructure Now Protected by Anti-Protest Laws: Greenpeace
Fossil fuel companies have contributed millions of dollars to legislators who sponsored such laws, according to a new report.oliviarosane (Common Dreams)
"The Treasury claimed the cost of the damage was nearly £20,000 and the defendants faced up to ten years in jail each if they had been found guilty."
A bit much for spraying fake blood (washable dye) over the Treasury building.
#UK #ExtinctionRebellion
"Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of #extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values, according to documents seen by the Observer."
Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist
Leaked documents spark furious backlash from groups who fear freedom of expression could be suppressedJon Ungoed-Thomas (The Guardian)
French court annuls ban of #climate movement over ‘eco-terrorism’ claims
"Judges temporarily suspended the government’s disbanding order in August, arguing it restricted the activists’ freedom of assembly and that the interior ministry did not provide enough evidence to back up its claim that the climate movement was inciting violence.
Thursday’s ruling upholds this initial decision."
French court annuls ban of climate movement over ‘eco-terrorism’ claims
Interior ministry ordered disbanding in June, following violent clashes with police.Louise Guillot (POLITICO)
"The activist group, created in 2021, counts more than 150,000 supporters and is made up of close to 200 local groupings. It has no clear leadership structure and isn’t officially registered as an association or nonprofit organization — making it difficult to disband."
Of course #LesSoulèvementsdelaTerre has staged other protests since August.
French court annuls ban of climate movement over ‘eco-terrorism’ claims
Interior ministry ordered disbanding in June, following violent clashes with police.Louise Guillot (POLITICO)
In a strongly worded intervention, Ian Fry, the UN’s rapporteur for #ClimateChange and #HumanRights, said he was “particularly concerned” about the sentences, which were “significantly more severe than previous sentences imposed for this type of offending in the past”."
Just Stop Oil protesters’ jail terms potentially breach international law, UN expert says
Sentences risk silencing public concerns about the environment, climate change rapporteur Ian Fry saysDamien Gayle (The Guardian)
Climate activists suffer coordinated attempts to portray them as dangerous extremists. Take the Atlas Network, an influential global grouping of rightwing thinktanks: it has helped lead campaigns across the world to demonise climate activists as dangerous extremists."
2023 was the year governments looked at the climate crisis – and decided to persecute the activists
Around the world, the people fighting for the survival of our planet are being shamefully silenced and villified, says Guardian columnist Owen JonesOwen Jones (The Guardian)
Forst said that during a two-day visit to the #UK earlier this month he uncovered worrying information on the treatment of peaceful protesters.
At Inner London crown court, peaceful protesters have been forbidden by court order from mentioning the climate crisis, fuel poverty or even the US civil rights movement in their statements to the jury."
"A UN Special Rapporteur has raised concerns about increasingly draconian laws that restrict citizens’ rights to peaceful protest around Australia. "
Australia, heavily dependent on coal exports, can be thought of as a fossil fuel state.
The contrast with the treatment of farmer protesters (and their tractors) can hardly be more stark.
Five examples of the UK’s crackdown on climate protesters
As UN expert says UK’s actions are chilling and regressive, we look at some of the casesSandra Laville (The Guardian)
"In many cases, laws are proposed or drafted by corporate-funded lobby groups masquerading as thinktanks, such as Policy Exchange in the UK and the American Legislative Exchange Council in the US. Such groups create legal templates for crushing protest movements, then press for their adoption all over the world. This tactic has been chillingly effective."
In a world built by plutocrats, the powerful are protected while vengeful laws silence their critics
In the UK and around the world, those who challenge rich corporations are being hounded and crushed with ever-more inventive penalties, says Guardian columnist George MonbiotGeorge Monbiot (The Guardian)
The positive spin: the #FossilFuel peeps are scared: The Twilight of Big Oil is coming.
In a world built by plutocrats, the powerful are protected while vengeful laws silence their critics
In the UK and around the world, those who challenge rich corporations are being hounded and crushed with ever-more inventive penalties, says Guardian columnist George MonbiotGeorge Monbiot (The Guardian)
He said he had recorded countless examples of #PoliceBrutality.
Several countries are adopting measures for peaceful demonstrators that are also used against organised criminals. These include early morning raids by counter-terrorism units and the use of undercover police to infiltrate groups."
European nations must end repression of peaceful climate protest, says UN expert
Nations should be cutting emissions to meet Paris agreement, says Michel Forst after year-long inquirySandra Laville (The Guardian)
The paper concludes with five calls for action to States to make a profound change in how they respond to environmental protest, and also urges the human rights community to coordinate their efforts to support this call for action."
Existing crimes have been escalated, so that what once might have attracted a small fine, such as sitting down in a road, can now lead quickly to prison. Long custodial sentences are becoming normalised."
Jail for holding a placard? Protest over the climate crisis is being brutally suppressed
The legal repression of activism has been fast and frightening, yet it won’t make protesters disappear and only sows divisionNatasha Walter (The Guardian)
Just Stop Oil member Tim Hewes has to lead church services with an ankle tag on – despite not yet having faced trial."
Why? "For helping plan a climate protest on the M25."
(Thanks to @RufflySpawned for the link).
Under that lower court decision, a protest organizer faces potentially ruinous financial consequences if a single attendee at a mass protest commits an illegal act."
The Supreme Court effectively abolishes the right to mass protest in three US states
It is no longer safe to organize a protest in Louisiana, Mississippi, or Texas.Ian Millhiser (Vox)
A new Supreme Court case threatens to take away your right to protest
The Fifth Circuit has spent years harassing a civil rights activist, and they gutted much of the First Amendment in the process.Ian Millhiser (Vox)
"Nearly 300 #AntiProtest bills introduced in state legislatures since 2017, 41 of which passed.
Many of those laws seemed like direct responses to specific protest campaigns.
New York’s bill, introduced by Democratic lawmakers, is perhaps the most extreme, declaring that blocking public roads, bridges or transportation facilities — or even “act[ing] with the intent” to do so — is a form of domestic terrorism."
The War on Protest Is Here
Political repression is on the rise as the state finds new ways to criminalize dissent and collective action.Gridwork
North Dakota introduced and later passed two laws expanding the definition of criminal trespass and dramatically heightening penalties for so-called riot offenses — an unmistakable response to what had unfolded at Standing Rock.
A Standing Rock-style protest in North Dakota, or many other states, is virtually impossible today."
– Stop Cop City, Atlanta GA:
– Keystone XL;
– Dakota Access pipeline;
– the Women's March, January 2017;
– Black Lives Matter;
– Palestine;
And connects the next dot:
“The movement opposing U.S. policy toward Israel is attracting “hundreds of thousands” of new supporters, says Fox, but that’s also coming at “a time where the Right is really experimenting and trying to build new tactics and legislative tools of repression.”
And what that phase brings will be shaped by what happens this November. Whatever the outcome of the election, mass protest is almost guaranteed."
Read this article to see the crackdowns on seemingly disparate protests to see the big picture.
The War on Protest Is Here
Political repression is on the rise as the state finds new ways to criminalize dissent and collective action.Gridwork
[But] time and again, #coverage tends to headline the parts of the protest that are sensational and #disruptive.
And this neglects the political substance of the protests."
This kind of coverage also plays into the false narrative that protesters are "radicals" or even "terrorists".
It enables that framing.
Media coverage of campus protests tends to focus on the spectacle, rather than the substance
Analysis shows news stories on pro-Palestinian demonstrations at US universities spiked when they involved clashes.The Conversation
Now, just as happened after the [#BLM and #DAPL] protests, bills are being considered in six states to enhance penalties for blocking roads, with most of them explicitly framed as a response to pro-Palestine protests."
In Backlash to Campus Pro-Palestine Protests, Echoes of Standing Rock and the Global Crackdown on Climate Protest
The use of militarized police and “antiterrorism” laws against activists is not new in the U.S.Drilled
It's effective:
"It was just so smartly all put together that (the crackdown) just slowly suffocated us and didn't punch us off the street.
So we kind of reached a maximum amount of people that are ready to take that risk upon themselves."
Activists or extremists? The protesters willing to go to jail to defend their cause
In Germany, a police crackdown against a small band of climate activists is gathering pace, and it’s forcing questions about the very essence of activism.Darren Mara (SBS News)
“This charge is meant for mafia and organised crime. This charge criminalises every act of support towards the group Letzte Generation. This creates an immense chilling effect on all #climate protests in #Germany.”
Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’
Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners sayDamien Gayle (The Guardian)
“These are political sentences and climate activists [have] become political prisoners.” "
Why courts favour cars, not the climate
Peaceful protest now carries a ludicrously high penalty in UK courts.The Conversation
Rich countries silencing climate protest while preaching about rights elsewhere, says study
Report says governments in global north increasingly using draconian measures while criticising similar tactics in global southMatthew Taylor (The Guardian)
Records obtained by the Guardian show that lobbyists working for major North American oil and gas companies were key architects of anti-protest laws that increase penalties and could lead to non-violent environmental and #ClimateActivists being imprisoned up to 10 years."
Revealed: how the fossil fuel industry helps spread anti-protest laws across the US
Lobbyists and lawmakers have coordinated to enact new laws that increase criminal penalties for peaceful protestsHilary Beaumont (The Guardian)
Aral Balkanudostępnił to.
"At least 22 states have passed anti-protest laws known as critical infrastructure laws punishing civil disobedience with felonies, fines and long jail sentences since the 2016 Indigenous-led non-violent uprising against the Dakota Access oil pipeline on the Standing Rock Indigenous reservation."
UN human rights expert raises concerns about US charges against climate protesters
Mary Lawlor criticizes US’s failure to respond to concerns after Alex Connon and John Mark Rozendaal chargesNina Lakhani (The Guardian)
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- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
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This follows recent declassified information pointing to foreign interference from Russia.
We are also intensifying contacts with digital and cyber regulators across Europe in light of emerging evidence of systematic inauthentic activity.
A key step to enforce the Digital Services Act.
More: https://europa.eu/!fN4Xt6
Commission, online platforms and civil society increase monitoring during Romanian elections
This relates to the exercise of the Commission's competences under the Digital Services Act and does not address the Romanian electoral process, which is a matter for the Romanian authorities and ultimately the Romanian people.European Commission - European Commission
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Amnesty concludes Israel is committing genocide in Gaza
Our research reveals that Israel has persisted in committing genocidal acts, fully aware of the irreparable harm it was inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza.Amnesty International
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Wtyczka do fediwersowych wydarzeń dla wordpressa nie opublikowana bo być może narusza prawa autorskie... ActivityPub
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W związku z wdrażaniem w Polsce Europejskiego Aktu Wolności Mediów (#EMFA) zwracamy uwagę na konieczność wzmocnienie niezależności polskich mediów, ochrony dziennikarzy i redakcyjnej integralności.
W liście wysłanym do Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego zaapelowaliśmy o:
1. wzmocnienie gwarancji niezależności redakcyjnej dziennikarzy zatrudnionych w mediach publicznych,
2. prowadzenie wyspecjalizowanego ciała samoregulacyjnego,
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Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy i Twórców Radia Publicznego
Fundacja Panoptykon
Fundacja Media Forum
Prague Civil Society Centre
Towarzystwo Dziennikarskie
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦udostępnił to.
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Peertube is always published early.
Solarpunk Urbanism Pt1: A vision for an ideally better city or town 1/2
Welcome to Solarpunk USA, a guide to creating a solarpunk future. Solarpunk is much more than art, its a lifestyle we can have now or very soon if we learn how to organize our communities with dire...PeerTube
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Facebook now blocks posts that link to this report.
Stanowisko CERT Polska dot. ograniczania przez firmę Meta widoczności artykułu na temat oszustw na tej platformie.
W odpowiedzi na coraz częstsze sygnały dotyczące ograniczania widoczności postów linkujących do opracowanej przez ekspertów CERT Polska analizy oszustw na platformach społecznościowych, chcemy podkreślić, że nie ma w nas zgody na takie działania.buff.ly
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'This is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality'
A quick search came up with the download for an ePub or audio version:
ePub: https://zlib.pub/book/this-is-not-propaganda-adventures-in-the-war-against-reality-3emk0i5hubh0
Download This is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality by Peter Pomerantsev
Download This is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality PDFzlib.pub
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Konsultować , konsultować!
Żeby znowu nie wyszło, że wszyscy są "za" (spacyfikowaniem myśliwych) a lobby ułamka procenta obywateli nadal urządza istotny kawałek otoczenia wszystkim pozostałym.
Nie zdziwcie się, że link bezpośredni na stronie sejmu do konsultacji ustawy: https://logowanie.sejm.gov.pl/login.jsp?id=SH-020-277/24&redirect_url=https://opiniowanie.sejm.gov.pl/callback prowadzi najpierw do strony gov.pl (trzeba się zautoryzować).
#łowiectwo #myśliwi
Michał SP6MR lubi to.
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So cool.
Microcomputers made from repurposed mainboards from smartphones with the possibility to buy in bulk.
#Fairphone #SBC
Citronics, meet the world’s first Circular Microcomputers
Citronics is the only company in the world able to transform retired smartphones into circular microcomputers, at industrial scale.Citronics
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This is why it's incredibly important that people invest in platforms that they own, and move toward federated/decentralized/portable, noncorporate social media as rapidly as possible
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Studying under Surveillance: the securitisation of learning
Increasingly, EdTech systems are less about teaching than about monitoring, security and ‘safety’ – although those aims are often mixed with wider educational claims.Privacy International
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In this episode we focus on the 27 million euros cut of funding of the @EC_NGI initiative.
🤔 Wanna know more? Alex and Bonnie shed some light on the history of this European project and share the newest developments in this case.
#SoftwareFreedom #FreeSoftware
SFP#26: Policy and EU: the need of long-term funding and the NGI case - FSFE
Join this new episode of our Software Freedom podcast in which Bonnie Mehring and Alexander Sander discussing current topics affecting Free Software in the...FSFE - Free Software Foundation Europe
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•oskarżony w tej sprawie będzie premier M. Morawiecki.
Teraz clou:
To wszystko nic dla sądu, który orzekał w sprawie Klickiego. Zdaniem stołecznego sądu skoro Poczta Polska przetwarzała dane z bazy PESEL na podstawie decyzji premiera, to robiła to legalnie.
Złożyliśmy apelację - nie zgadzamy się na takie potraktowanie sprawy.
Cały komentarz: https://panoptykon.org/wybory-kopertowe-poczta-klicki-wyrok
Za prowadzenie sprawy dziękujemy kancelarii Lubasz i Wspólnicy, szczególnie adwokatowi Adamowi Szkurłatowi.