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#0 [myśl i mowa] - wprowadzenie
Witam w inauguracyjnym odcinku mojego podcastu [myśl i mowa]! Zachęcam do słuchania oraz interakcji! :)

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

:: ruszyłem z podcastem...

:: ruszyłem z podcastem...


nareszcie... udało mi się zebrać w jedną całość i opublikować zerowy (testowy) odcinek mojego podcastu: [myśl i mowa]. trwało to wieki, ewidentnie z mojej winy, ale wreszcie wszystko działa i śmiga tak jak powinno!

podcast publikuję na własnej instancji Castopod – open source platformie podcastowej, kompatybilnej z Fediverse

zachęcam do słuchania i dzielenia się linkami podcastu i RSS ;) można go również odsłuchać i subskrybować na siedmiu różnych platformach podcastowych – szczegóły znajdziecie na stronie głównej...

[myśl i mowa] – strona domowa[myśl i mowa] w Mastodoniekanał RSS podcastu
☕️ kup mi kawę

Warsawreceiverudostępnił to.

Tyle się dzisiaj dzieje, że tylko #AndrzejRysuje za tym nadąża:

Rysunek: Andrzej Dupa przegląda się w lustrze a tam... dupa!

#AndrzejDupa #polityka
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

Adam Jurkiewiczudostępnił to.

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

You want SKYNET? This is how you get SKYNET:

The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked the operator. When it was expressly forbidden to kill the operator, it destroyed the operators communications net, effectively freeing itself to carry out its original directives. Source:

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MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

W najnowszym odcinku Lewackiego Pitolenia ciekawy gość: dr Tomasz Mrozek opowiada o tymże skąd się wziął pomysł nauczania astronomii w jednej z kambodżańskich szkół.


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MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Prasówka 19-26.05.2023

Prasówka 19-26.05.2023


Państwo, prawo, inwigilacja i ochrona danych

#Inwigilacja #RODO #ePanstwo

Sztuczna inteligencja

#AI #SI #sztucznainteligencja




#BigTech #TikTok #Apple #meta #FB #twitter#dzieci


Zaufana Trzecia Strona – weekendowa lektura

Polska wobec kontroli czatu

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

You Are What You Eat - Formidable Vegetable (Official Permaculture Music Video)

Support us on Patreon:
Listen and download at:
Did you know that more is known about outer space than what goes on in our soil? Soil is where pretty much all land-based life starts and there are so many things we can do to take care of it! It's time to stop looking up, messing around and freakin' out - we need to get DOWN to tending the ground we live on!

For a great movie about how amazing soil is:

You Are What You Eat was written by Formidable Vegetable in celebration of International Year of Soils and celebrated by the United Nations as the 'official song of soil':

Animated by Bigfish:
Song written by Charlie Mgee, Mal Webb & Kylie Morrigan
Recorded by Michael Barker at Twisty Pole Studios - Rotorua, New Zealand.
Produced, mixed & mastered by Jim Moynihan (Spoonbill).
© 2016 Formidable Vegetable.

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MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Friendica 2023.05 released

Ostrzeżenie o treści: We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Giant Rhubarb” 2023.05. This release contains a security fix of a problem tek-aevl pointed out, we strongly encourage all admins to update their nodes. The highlights o

@Friendica News node updated !
Great Job ! 👍
And you have done a connector for bluesky 😈 You are war machine programmers 👏

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Ah, just saw that #CPDPconference #CPDP2023 is happening this week so here’s your yearly reminder that this “privacy” conference is sponsored by Meta, Google, TikTok, etc.

In other words, it is bullshit.

Shame on those who continue to legitimise it by attending and speaking at it.

#privacy #cpdp
Screenshot of sponsors from the CPDP web site, including Meta, Google, and Microsoft.
Screenshot of sponsors from the CPDP web site, including Uber and TikTok.

4 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

@redandgreen Mozilla is a half-billion dollar/year Silicon Valley tech company that gets that half a billion dollars from Google. Don’t get me started on Mozilla :)

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Why are so many climate scientists so scared and so angry?

Maybe it's because they know better than most of us how bad our situation today truly is, and how horribly we've been betrayed by our so-called leaders.

Here's an excerpt from an excellent piece on this subject by Alan Urban...

Even if the planet stopped getting warmer right now, we would still be in big trouble. The ice caps would keep melting and sea levels would keep rising.

Look at what’s happening at a mere 1.2°C of warming. We’re already seeing some of the worst heat waves in human history, not to mention record-breaking floods, droughts, wildfires, and water shortages.

But of course, warming isn’t going to stop at 1.2°C. Because of the heat we’ve already trapped in the atmosphere, and because we continue to emit huge amounts of greenhouse gases every year, the climate is warming exponentially.

All of these climate-related crises are stretching farms to the limit, yet this is just the beginning. As crop yields decline and the population grows, we will see food insecurity get worse and worse until we’re in a global famine.

And that right there is why climate scientists are scared. They understand that human civilization was born during the Holocene, when global temperatures were very stable and stayed within a range of about 1°C.

As we push the planet out of that range and raise the temperature about 50 times faster than would occur naturally, it will become harder and harder to produce enough food to feed everyone, and this will lead to social instability, political upheaval, the worst migration crisis ever, and wars over resources.

Disasters that weren’t supposed to happen until we reached 1.5°C are happening now, so we can only imagine what will happen when we hit 2° or 3°C.

This is why top scientists from around the world are warning us that we face a ghastly future filled with untold suffering. They’ve been telling us over and over, year after year, summit after summit, that we have to stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible. But as you can see [below], the world keeps ignoring them.


#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Emissions #Capitalism
Chart that shows trends in atmospheric CO2 versus global temperature change.

CO2 concentration rises from ~315 ppm in 1962 to ~420 ppm in 2021. Chart is annotated with dates of international meetings to address climate change, none of which have had any appreciable effect.

5 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

@RD4Anarchy We kind of do. But even the liberal concept of it is separable from capitalist and colonialist notions. It's not that I think humanity benefits, it's more that fee simple ownership can be made just, if none are without property. If everybody owns some piece of land and a home to live in. If large landholdings are treated as ipso facto unjust. @breadandcircuses @HeavenlyPossum @TobiWanKenobi @GeofCox @axre @MarkRNay @Dialectician @AdrianRiskin @jCarttarBrooke @yma

Bread and Circusesudostępnił to.


Who suggested going back to HG bands? This is such a cliché (even seemingly scripted) response from certain people anytime it is even suggested that people have had different ways of organizing themselves, as if there has only ever been modern industrial capitalism or HG bands, nothing else ever existed 🤷‍♂️

I was only making the point that your blanket statement of supposed absolute fact was historically incorrect.

I'm taken aback that you can so cavalierly rattle off shit like cars and iPhones as unquestioned benefits of living a life that makes violently enforced demands on the labor of others as it destroys our biosphere. This is just stunning.


@FinalOverdrive @breadandcircuses @HeavenlyPossum @TobiWanKenobi @GeofCox @Dialectician @AdrianRiskin @jCarttarBrooke @yma

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Mieszkańcy, przyrodnicy i urząd miasta kontra leśnicy. Czy uda się uratować lasy Beskidu Małego?

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MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

I never tire of reading about the absolute shipwreck that is Uber.

"Uber also covertly operated the microphones in its drivers' phones to listen for the chimes the Lyft app made: drivers who had both Lyft and Uber installed on their devices were targeted for (strictly temporary) bonuses."

Wonderful. More generally, as @pluralistic puts it Uber "invented algorithmic wage disrimination, an exciting new field of labor-law violations".


Cory Doctorowudostępnił to.

I love all those stories. Very sobering and at times hilarious 😀
What galled me this morning is when someone wrote me their GP recommended they stopped driving themselves for a week and 'just Uber'. This 'verb' is an abomination!

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

A freight train near Russian-occupied Simferopol, Crimea, has been derailed. The occupation authorities claim it was sabotage.


44°53'29"N, 34°02'35"E

#Ukraine #Crimea #Simferopol

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

A castle in Italy has braille etched in the railing that describes the view for blind people🤎
Photograph: A castle in Italy has braille etched in the railing that describes the view for blind people🤎

4 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Arnold Schwarzenegger calls out hate speech, confronts rising antisemitism and talks about his predictions for Trump in 2024

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

I would never vote for Arnie. He is a republican and his goals are very different from mine. But I still admire him for his strength and morals.

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Dzień, w którym Filadelfia zbombardowała własnych obywateli.

Mówiona historia policyjnego zamachu bombowego z 1985 r., który na zawsze zmienił miasto.

Wieczorem 13 maja 1985 r. doszło do straszliwego wybuchu długotrwałych napięć między grupą wyzwolenia czarnych MOVE a Departamentem Policji Filadelfii. Tej nocy władze miejskie Filadelfii zrzuciły bombę plecakową, ładunek burzący używany zwykle na polu bitwy, wypełniony Tovexem i C-4, na społeczność MOVE, która mieszkała w szeregowcu w zachodniej Filadelfii, o którym wiadomo było, że jest zamieszkany przez mężczyzn, kobiety i dzieci. Dom stanął w płomieniach, których nie gaszono. Zginęło jedenaście osób, w tym pięcioro dzieci i założyciel organizacji. Zniszczeniu uległo 61 domów, a ponad 250 mieszkańców zostało bez dachu nad głową.

4 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

Tu można zobaczyć jak wyglądał przekaz medialny:
Toż to normalny atak terrorystyczny był, lecz w wykonaniu ogranów państwowych, więc usprawiedliwiony...

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

As we look forward to #COP28 later on this year in the UAE, anticipating another joyous fossil fuel bacchanalia, I'm sure we'll be hearing plenty from our masters about "Net Zero 2050." They'll remind us once again about all those delicious carbon offsets that are going to save the world for capitalism and consumerism, allowing endless growth forever and ever. No need to worry, they'll say, we've got everything under control! 😃

#Greenwashing #ClimateCrisis #AntiCapitalism
Cartoon by
In this one-panel cartoon, a pair of gangsters are about to throw a captive, whose feet are encased in concrete, to his death off the end of a pier. A couple of cheerful-looking police officers are questioning the gangsters about what they're up to. The head gangster shows a certificate to the police, and says, "Relax, officer! What looks like a potential homicide has actually been OFFSET, with the purchase of tradable life credits from our local surf life-saving club!" A smiling police officer responds, "Looks like we're on track for NET-ZERO MURDERS by 2050!"
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)
@davpope I can envisage the day when the #COP meeting is not to combat Climate Change , but to mitigate the excessive effects .. Plus, they will be hosting it on a boat
It's already began... we have to avoid 2degrees Celius to avoid the worst, and we're not gonna stop fossil fuel projects but we'll be offsetting them and capturing the carbon.
@davpope @breadandcircuses

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

TROM II: A Message to The Aliens (trailer)

We live in a world where everyone is busy, everyone is consumed, everyone seems confused. Money, social credits, ads, data collection, prices and billionaires. Climate change? Who cares!

A one-marble world, floating in a giant soup of stars and planets, clustered in donut-shaped galaxies.

What are these humans living for?

In a 5 hour, 4 parts documentary, we try to explore their world, to understand what makes them human, what makes them enslave their kind, destroy their habitat, and be unaware of their place in this universe. But also what makes them so special.

Through the lives of 5 humans, we look at the culture that creates them, their struggles growing up on this planet, and where they are headed toward.
Watch it here:
Ten wpis został zedytowany (10 miesiące temu)

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

A group of 18 European Parliament Members have issued a statement officially calling for #Degrowth.

Here is part of what they wrote...

We believe that the current economic model, based on endless growth, has reached its limits.

Firstly, continuous economic growth, especially based on the consumption of fossil fuels, is leading to catastrophic global warming.

Secondly, the infinite pursuit of growth relies on the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of biodiversity, and the accumulation of waste and pollution. This also poses risks to our health, our economies, and our societies writ large.

Thirdly, the current economic model is contributing to social inequality and exclusion. The emphasis on economic growth has not translated into equal distribution of wealth or opportunities. Instead, it has resulted in a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few leaving many behind.

Fourthly, the current economic model is inherently unstable and prone to crises, as seen, for example, during the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The pursuit of growth at all costs has created a global economic system that is fragile and vulnerable to shocks.

We need an economic system that prioritises human well-being and ecological sustainability over GDP growth, one that recognises that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible.

We also believe we need to find new ways of organising our economies without relying on the continuous exploitation of resources and the constant increase in production and consumption.

We call for more pluralism in economic thinking within EU institutions and for its alignment with the scientific evidence of climate, ecological, and social sciences.

We call for economic models and other decision-support tools to be more diverse, more comprehensive, and more readable for citizens.

We call for decision-making processes to be aligned with our common policy objectives rather than on the basis of the variation of GDP figures.


Names of those who signed on as co-authors: Philippe Lamberts (BE), Bas Eickhout (NL), Ville Niinisto (FI), Manuela Ripa (DE), Marie Toussaint (FR), Ernest Urtasun (ES), Kim Van Sparrentak (NL) — Greens/EFA; Manon Aubry (FR), Petros Kokkalis (EL), Marisa Matias (PT), Helmut Scholz (DE) — The Left (GUE/NGL); Pascal Durand (FR), Aurore Lalucq (FR), Pierre Larrouturou (FR) — Socialists & Democrats (S&D); Sirpa Pietikainen (FI), Maria Walsh (IE) — European People’s Party (EPP); Katalin CSEH (HU) — Renew Europe (RE); and Dino GIARRUSSO (IT) — Non-attached (NI).

#Europe #EU #Politics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #Pollution #Inequality
People marching through the streets with a banner saying "degrowth needs direct action" during a demonstration in Liepzig in 2014.

3 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

Bread and Circusesudostępnił to.

@FantasticalEconomics @jwcph
> People starving on the street is 'efficient'

A painfully great way to sum up how capitalism views the world.
"They believed every life must profit them.

When life was profit itself."

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Today, the European Parliament's IMCO and LIBE committees adopted their joint report on the proposed #AIAct. In this post, we take a closer look at the report to understand the implications of the text for #opensource AI development

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Equitable and open access to knowledge is at the heart of science. It’s time for profit-hungry publishers to get out of the way of progress. #openaccess
For the profit-hungry publishers, you will have to pry access out of their cold dead hands.

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Sometimes criminals close the door when plotting crimes.

“We should ban doors!” 🚫🚪

Sometimes criminals hide weapons under their clothes.

“We should ban clothes!” 🚫👖


Do not fall for these misguided arguments.

Most of the time people use end-to-end encrypted apps to talk about the most mundane things.

Sometimes vulnerable people use end-to-end encryption to protect themselves and stay safe.

We should keep and cherish encryption.

We should demand it everywhere.

End-to-end encryption protects our human right to privacy and safety.

We must fight for it! ✊🔒

#RootForE2EE #E2EE #Encryption #Privacy

5 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Users of Mastodon, Misskey and the Fediverse!

• How do you feel about being on a social network that isn’t moderated by a company, but by local instance admins?
• Do you ever experience unwanted content on here, and do you feel that it’s dealt with properly?
• Are instance rules part of the reason you chose your current instance?

@maiathecyberwitch and I would love to hear your thoughts on our survey:
Please respond and boost 💜
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦udostępnił to.

The survey part of a wider research project on moderation and community management on decentralized, user-driven networks.

The findings will be published as an article afterwards, and result in a set of tools and recommendations for moderators, admins and community managers looking to establish similar decentralised social networks.

Thank you for participating - boost this so we get a wider reach💜

Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

Pandkaudostępnił to.

Pandkaudostępnił to.

We also have a survey for mods and admins on the fediverse.

Check out this post for more info:

Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Glad to formally release my latest work - Surveillance Graphs: Vulgarity and Cloud Orthodoxy in Linked Data Infrastructures.


A bit of an overview and then I'll get into some of the more specific arguments in a thread:

This piece is in three parts:

First I trace the mutation of the liberatory ambitions of the #SemanticWeb into #KnowledgeGraphs, an underappreciated component in the architecture of #SurveillanceCapitalism. This mutation plays out against the backdrop of the broader platform capture of the web, rendering us as consumer-users of information services rather than empowered people communicating over informational protocols.

I then show how this platform logic influences two contemporary public information infrastructure projects: the NIH's Biomedical Data Translator and the NSF's Open Knowledge Network. I argue that projects like these, while well intentioned, demonstrate the fundamental limitations of platformatized public infrastructure and create new capacities for harm by their enmeshment in and inevitable capture by information conglomerates. The dream of a seamless "knowledge graph of everything" is unlikely to deliver on the utopian promises made by techno-solutionists, but they do create new opportunities for algorithmic oppression -- automated conversion therapy, predictive policing, abuse of bureacracy in "smart cities," etc. Given the framing of corporate knowledge graphs, these projects are poised to create facilitating technologies (that the info conglomerates write about needing themselves) for a new kind of interoperable corporate data infrastructure, where a gradient of public to private information is traded between "open" and quasi-proprietary knowledge graphs to power derivative platforms and services.

When approaching "AI" from the perspective of the semantic web and knowledge graphs, it becomes apparent that the new generation of #LLMs are intended to serve as interfaces to knowledge graphs. These "augmented language models" are joint systems that combine a language model as a means of interacting with some underlying knowledge graph, integrated in multiple places in the computing ecosystem: eg. mobile apps, assistants, search, and enterprise platforms. I concretize and extend prior criticism about the capacity for LLMs to concentrate power by capturing access to information in increasingly isolated platforms and expand surveillance by creating the demand for extended personalized data graphs across multiple systems from home surveillance to your workplace, medical, and governmental data.

I pose Vulgar Linked Data as an alternative to the infrastructural pattern I call the Cloud Orthodoxy: rather than platforms operated by an informational priesthood, reorienting our public infrastructure efforts to support vernacular expression across heterogeneous #p2p mediums. This piece extends a prior work of mine: Decentralized Infrastructure for (Neuro)science) which has more complete draft of what that might look like.

(I don't think you can pre-write threads on masto, so i'll post some thoughts as I write them under this) /1

Surveillance Graphs
Vulgarity and Cloud Orthodoxy in Linked Data Infrastructures

[an image of an eye against a grid is to the right of a column of text]

 Jonny L. Saunders
UCLA - Department of Neurology, Institute of Pirate Technology
First Published:  2023-05-02 

Information is power, and that power has been largely enclosed by a handful of information conglomerates. The logic of the surveillance-driven information economy demands systems for handling mass quantities of heterogeneous data, increasingly in the form of knowledge graphs. An archaeology of knowledge graphs and their mutation from the liberatory aspirations of the semantic web gives us an underexplored lens to understand contemporary information systems. I explore how the ideology of cloud systems steers two projects from the NIH and NSF intended to build information infrastructures for the public good to inevitable corporate capture, facilitating the development of a new kind of multilayered public/private surveillance system in the process. I argue that understanding technologies like large language models as interfaces to knowledge graphs is critical to understand their role in a larger project of informational enclosure and concentration of power. I draw from multiple histories of liberatory information technologies to develop Vulgar Linked Data as an alternative to the Cloud Orthodoxy, resisting the colonial urge for universality in favor of vernacular expression in peer to peer systems.
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)

2 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Fediverse servers tend to have a lot more human moderators than centralised commercial social networks. Here's why:

Staff ratio means the number of human moderators per user.

A typical Fediverse server has about 500-1000 members. Let's assume an average staff ratio of 1:1000.

Facebook has 3 billion members, so in order to get a staff ratio of 1:1000 it would need 3 million moderators. The current total number of employees of *any kind* at Facebook/Meta is only 77,114.

2 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

This is big. No #embargoes. No #APCs.

"The #EU is ready to agree that immediate #OpenAccess to papers reporting publicly funded research should become the norm, w/o authors having to pay fees & that the bloc should support #nonprofit scholarly publishing models.

In a move that could send shockwaves through commercial scholarly #publishing, the positions are due to be adopted by the Council of the EU member state governments later this month."

#Europe #RightsRetention

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Cześć, stworzyłem właśnie polską, nieoficjalną instancję #Calckey! 👋
@admin :verified: A jak to rozumieć, że instancja jest nieoficjalna ?
tak, że nie mam nic wspólnego z developerami Calckey. Po prostu utrzymuję instancję Calckey na domenie

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

“The #Wikimedia movement should launch a WikiAI mission” – says @tarkowski in the 1st part of a study on how @wikipedia could address the challenges of open #AI development incl. #copyright and transparency issues 🔎 #DigitalCommons

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Surprised I haven't seen more about this leaked internal Google doc about AI strategy (or the impossibility of a strategy).

🎩 to @TedUnderwood for the pointer

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Microsoft otrzymuje Big Brother Award

Microsoft otrzymał Big Brother Award (Nagrodę Wielkiego Brata) za "całokształt twórczości".
Big Brother Award to przyznawana corocznie w różnych krajach nagroda za szczególne osiągnięcia w dziedzinie naruszenia prywatności czy ochrony danych osobowych. Nazywa się ją czasem "Oskarem inwigilacji".

Oprogramowanie Microsoftu jest obecne we wszystkich dziedzinach życia - w pracy, administeacji publicznej, na urządzeniach osobistych itp. Firma wciąż rozszerza swoją władzę nad danymi.

Nagrody przyznała w piątek 28.04.2023 niemiecka organizacja Digitalcourage. W skład pięcioosobowego jury weszło dwóch członków Digitalcourage, Frank Rosengart z Chaos Computer Club i dwóch innych ekspertów zajmujących się ochroną danych. Nagrodę za "całokształt twórczości" otrzymał Microsoft. To nie pierwsze takie odznaczenie dla firmy - w 2002 roku otrzymała je już za "kompleksową technologią kontroli praw autorskich", Digital Rights Management.

Thilo Weichert, były komisarz ds. ochrony danych w Szlezwiku-Holsztynie i ekspert ds. ochrony danych w Netzwerk Datenschutzexpertise określił Microsoft mianem "wielkiej protekcjonalnej maszyny okradającej nas z cyfrowej suwerenności".
Opowiada o różnych czynnikach, które doprowadziły jury do podjęcia takiej decyzji.

Microsoft chce przejąć producenta gier Activision Blizzard, m. in. po to, by uzyskać przewagę w dziedzinie wirtualnej rzeczywistości (metaverse). Urząd ds. konkurencji w Wielkiej Brytanii zablokował póki co tę operację, by firma nie uzyskała nadmiernej przewagi na rynku.

Kolejny problem to aplikacje pakietu biurowego. Jak wielka jest zależność od ich usług okazało się w styczniu, gdy, podczas awarii MS Office, wiele firm musiało po prostu przerwać pracę. Microsoft dominuje także w niemieckiej administracji: gdy w maju 2021r. zapytali o to posłowie FDP okazało się, że 96 procent wszystkich urzędów federalnych używało w 2018 roku Microsoft Office i Windowsa, zaś 69 procent korzystało z Windows Servera. Od tego czasu sytyuacja się nie poprawiła, wręcz przeciwnie, dominacja koncernu wzrosła. Mimo, że pierwotnie planowano wyposażyć berlińskich nauczycieli w adresy mailowe z, to kontrakt otrzymał amerykański koncern technonogiczny.

W listopadzie 2022 roku eksperci zajmujący się ochroną danych zwracali uwagę, że Microsoft 365 jest niezgodny z RODO. Microsoft nie ujawnia, jakie kategorie danych i w jakim celu przetwarza, ponadto przekazuje dane do USA - gdzie poziom ich ochrony jest niższy niż w EU, a dostęp do danych mają amerykańskie służby specjalne, co stoi w sprzeczności z decyzją Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości.

Pozostali laureaci to niemiecki minister finansów Christian Lindner (w kategorii "Władze i administracja"), firma fintech Finleap (w kategorii "Finanse"), platforma wideokonferencyjna Zoom (w kategorii "Komunikacja"), grupa Deutsche Post DHL (w kategorii "Ochrona konsumentów").
Tekst na bazie (podlinkowane na mastodonie digitalcourage)

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Przypominam, mówimy o dedykowanym specjalistycznym oprogramowaniu. Osoby pracujące na stanowiskach obsługi często jedyne co widzą to ekran logowania użytkownika. A i to nie zawsze, bo końcówka, niezależnie od systemu operacyjnego może być skonfigurowana w trybie kiosku i automatycznie uruchamiać właściwy program, który samodzielnie obsługuje uwierzytelnienie.
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I tak bywa, ale częściej można znaleźć dostępny dość dowolnie system (ok, w trybie użytkownika, a nie administratora) niż kiosk. Tak z obserwacji.

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

W sobotę poszedł w #OkoPress mój tekst o TikToku:

> #TikTok stał się na tyle ważnym kanałem dotarcia do wyborców, że sam ten fakt wpływa na decyzje polityków.

> Ten problem nie dotyczy oczywiście wyłącznie TikToka.

> TikTok pomaga nam dostrzec, że wszyscy giganci kapitalizmu nadzoru są realnym zagrożeniem dla podstawowych procesów demokratycznych. Niezależnie od tego, czy za sznurki pociąga Komunistyczna Partia Chin, czy hiperkapitaliści z Doliny Krzemowej.


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@wolvverine nie chodzi o pozwolenie posiadania broni - chodzi o tępotę znaczącej części naszego społeczeństwa, która to tępota/debilizm/zidiocenie niesamowicie rozkwitła pod obecnymi rządami. Dlaczego? Bo wmówiono polaczkom że "im się należy" - wszystko im się należy. Bez względu na koszty i konsekwencje.
Dzięki temu mamy np. zniesienie konieczności badań psychologicznych dla myśliwych. Idzie gość ze strzelbą po lesie a ty zaczyczanasz się zastanawiać świr czy normal. A jeśli świr?
posłuchaj... Staram się prowadzić dialog kulturalnie, nie wyzywam Cię od prawaków, zaślepieńców, fanatyków. W związku z tym nie życzę sobie epitetów w stulu "ruski troll" Gówno o mnie wiesz. Jeśli moje poglądy Ci się nie podobają i nie potrafisz normalnie dyskutować bez inwektyw to spier*alaj.
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MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Watching the social media landscape news the past couple weeks has me in a dual mindset of despondancy and determination about the fediverse. The despondancy comes from the reinforced realism that usage decisions around these systems will forever be driven by FOMO and frictionless entry and our systems aren't really ready for either yet. I have mixed feelings about Mastodon changing onboarding to make it all "" by default (where 90% of the users will go now) but getting rid of the biggest analysis paralysis part of getting people here is vitally important. To be frank, normal people don't give a damn about decentralization or data control they care about FOMO and "it just works". Friendica, my network, has even further to go on that front than Mastodon even. The determination comes from the knowledge that we did get a glimpse of people being able to feel FOMO about the fediverse thanks to Musk's Twitter enshitification. As people, including me, continue to refine the fediverse we could be in a position where more of them feel it enough to stay on the next wave. The fact is I'm not working on these systems to "conquering the world". I'm working on these systems because I enjoy using them on a daily basis and I want to improve that experience for myself and others. I hope that as we improve more will come into the fold and we could eventually hit a critical mass to be a real fraction of the social media space. If we remain niche though I have to be fine with that too. "Be the change you want to see in the world," as the saying goes... #friendica #fediverse #mastodon #SocialMedia #rant #ElonMusk #twitter

3 użytkowników udostępniło to dalej

I came here as part of the FSF encouragement to "Delete Facebook." At first it seemed a bit of a lonely space to me -- I knew no one. But over time it just feels right. I don't have lots of time to post but I usually am satisfied by the quality of interactions. Would an easy on-ramp change that? It might actually. Folks come here because they want to and have the determination to jump through the hoops. Cheers, -Randy
@randygalbraith Since I got here in 2018 as part of the Cambridge Analytica debacle I have gotten probably two to three dozen people to at least try to setup accounts. Out of all that time I think I have seen a dozen of them post even once after their first day here. I think I have seen maybe half a dozen actually stick around here as part of their social media experience. I know no one that has turned this into their primary social media experience except me. The latter half dozen only happened during the Twitter Migration wave too, when we really started crossing critical mass with non-techy people. Although, every since one of those half dozen are tech savvy people. I agree an easier on ramp would probably help get more people here and help with conversion. We still have the same network effect issues that every other non-dominant social network has as well. The only way they have ever been substantially overcome in the long run was by having a new niche that they could pivot/grow from and intense algorthmic content selection. We may at some point have the former but by definition probably never have the latter.

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

Bardzo poważny problem uwikłania w i przez sieci społecznościowe poruszył we wspaniałym artykule @rysiek.
Stało się to parę dni po tym, gdy ja sam doszedłem do wniosku, że nie chcę poddawać się dyktatowi komercyjnych mediów społecznościowych. Jako podcaster ująłem to w formę newsowo-felietonową, ale tylko dlatego, że tak mądrze jak Rysiek nie umiem. Mimo to możecie obejrzeć i dowiedzieć się: dlaczego tu jestem :D

#szajsbuk #inwigilacja #ściekreklamowy
Ten wpis został zedytowany (2 lata temu)
a dajże spokój, aż się zarumieniłem!

MiKlo:~/$💙💛udostępnił to.

More 🔥 from the FTC! "Given these many concerns about the use of new AI tools, it’s perhaps not the best time for firms building or deploying them to remove or fire personnel devoted to ethics and responsibility for AI and engineering."

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Meanwhile at #Microsoft ...
These FTC guidance docs are really well written, referenced and digestible. They even mark PDF links as such.