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The end of a thing they say is better than the beginning, but my experience with HOTOSM was nothing short of good from the start to the end.

I’m running linux as my desktop OS and couldn’t find a tool I was happy with for viewing the GPS coordinates stored in a photograph’s metadata (exif). I whipped up this quick-and-dirty shell script to do it for me.

~/.local/bin/photolocation :
xdg-open $(seq 1 4 | while read i; do exif "$1" -m --ifd=GPS -t=0x000$i; done  | tr '\n' ' ' | awk  '{printf ("%s%.6f %s%.6f\n",$1,$2+$3/60+$4/3600,$5,$6+$7/60+$8/3600)}' |sed 's/[NE]//;s/[SW]/-/;' | awk '{printf "" $1 "&mlon=" $2 "#map=18/" $1 "/" $2 "\n"}')

I also made a .desktop entry so I can run it from the file manager or from my image viewer by choosing “open with…”

.local/share/applications/photolocation.desktop :
[Desktop Entry]
Name=View location in OpenStreetMap
Exec=photolocation %f

For those who doesnt know, OsmAPP is trying to be the one integrated app for everyday use which runs both on web and on mobile. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, but fully opensource with privacy in mind.

Ich habe momentan die Karte unerledigter Hinweise geöffnet, weiß aber nicht, über welchen Link bei der Bearbeitung von OSM ich zufällig dorthin gelangt bin. Ich konnte 2 Hinweise erledigen, möchte aber in nächster Zeit noch mehr davon bearbeiten. Wer kann mir sagen, wie ich diese Hinweise wiederfinden kann?

In this diary, Im going to explain how I draw buildings (and shape in general), with my tricks for doing the most precise work possible and achieving the greatest possible symmetry and alignment, but without measuring everything out either.

It was like getting back to the start point for all of us, revisiting the basics of OSM with my in-person training in Grab last June 30 for the KartaView x OSM Philippines meetup event.

Get your share of happiness by living in Bahja Sheikh Zayed Compound, the latest masterpiece by Symphony Developments in Egypt. You are invited to enjoy a one-of-a-kind living experience with pocket-friendly prices at Bahja Zayed.

Miejscowość: Gdów Powiat: wielicki Województwo: Małopolskie Kraj: Polska

Na terenie miejscowości Gdów zostały wprowadzone nazwy ulic co spowodowało zmianę numerów domów. Proszę o aktualizacje.


Stary adres: Gdów 365 Nowy Adres: ul. Stadnicka 44 32-420 Gdów

Hi, Im known as on the internet, and I’m a contributor to Google Summer of Code 2024. Below are my contributions during GSoC.

Zbieram informacje, gdzie zaczyna/kończy się strefa ograniczonej prędkości, bo dane są trochę przestarzałe:

Our Mission and Vision

At Numericx, our vision is to redefine the way businesses approach accounting. We envision a future where every decision is guided by data-driven insights, where financial complexities are simplified, and where success is within reach for all.

Driven by innovation and passion, we strive to be the leading in accountancy, setting standards of excellence and creating lasting impact. Our vision is not just about numbers; it’s about empowering businesses to realize their full potential and achieve their dream goals.

Ich habe eine Anwendung in der, ausgehend von den Koordinaten:

52.27070436093613 / 13.947154283564489

über Leafelet der Ort Kolpin ermittelt wurde. Genauer wäre der Ort Storkow.

Wie kann es zu dieser ungenauen Zurodnung kommen?


Its been a while since I last wrote about iDs development and thought it would be a nice idea to make this a more regular thing in addition to the regular online community chats.


Im Lebacher Stadtteil Dörsdorf wurde schon 1791 ein Wegekreuz an der Straßenkreuzung im Ort erwähnt. Von den 1962 nachgewiesenen 9 Kreuzen sind noch 6 historische Wegekreuze erhalten geblieben (


Another little update. I am writing these, usually, on Sundays. Since I am still a new user of OSM I am writing these as a little how are things going. I wanted to share my experiences and ideas with the greater OSM community.


I am still doing the mapping and having a super hard time in some ways. I have a disability and if the OSM community could make the program more accessible that would be helpful to a lot of folks. I am haaving a really hard time mapping and understanding what the tools do. For instance attributes like car=wheel, just took that out of the air. I am not fully understanding the relationships and how many should be tagged and if there is a standard block of them already made up for new users. If anyone has any ideas on how to understand the relationships more please feel free to let me know.

Disability and Accessibility

I know I just mentioned that I have a challenge and I am curious what the OSM community is reaching out to folks with challenges. Keep in mind I know nothing about what OSM is or has been doing to make this possible. Its a thought I had.


No idea what github is and I am not sure if I should use it or not. I would love to learn more about it and what I can use it for and what one cannot use it for.


I am having a lot of fun doing this. Its simple yet important information. I am super curious about what happens and what the data collected goes towards after a quest is completed. Its simple yet I feel I am contributing in a small simple way.


Its not much but some questions and thoughts this time. Have a wonderful day!


If anyone knows of any answers to my questions, or thoughts, or people I could reachout to please let me know and feel free to DM me.

Glad I found this app so I’m able to help out, as my neighborhood is very very much out of date! Many roads are missing and names are missing for many roads on the map…. Now, if I can figure out how to actually get my note to save, or how to name a road, then I’ll be in business!! hahaha.


Another little update. I am writing these, usually, on Sundays. Since I am still a new user of OSM I am writing these as a little how are things going. I wanted to share my experiences and ideas with the greater OSM community.


I am still doing the mapping and having a super hard time in some ways. I have a disability and if the OSM community could make the program more accessible that would be helpful to a lot of folks. I am haaving a really hard time mapping and understanding what the tools do. For instance attributes like car=wheel, just took that out of the air. I am not fully understanding the relationships and how many should be tagged and if there is a standard block of them already made up for new users. If anyone has any ideas on how to understand the relationships more please feel free to let me know.

Disability and Accessibility

I know I just mentioned that I have a challenge and I am curious what the OSM community is reaching out to folks with challenges. Keep in mind I know nothing about what OSM is or has been doing to make this possible. Its a thought I had.


No idea what github is and I am not sure if I should use it or not. I would love to learn more about it and what I can use it for and what one cannot use it for.


I am having a lot of fun doing this. Its simple yet important information. I am super curious about what happens and what the data collected goes towards after a quest is completed. Its simple yet I feel I am contributing in a small simple way.


Its not much but some questions and thoughts this time. Have a wonderful day!


If anyone knows of any answers to my questions, or thoughts, or people I could reachout to please let me know and feel free to DM me.

Lexington, KY is in the process of installing new RCUT intersections on Athens-Boonesboro Road 0, to support future development, including a new pro soccer stadium 1 along the corridor near the I-75 interstate access.

Looking for GI Surgeon in Hyderabad? Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu is a leading Surgical Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad with +15 years of experience in the field of surgeries on the abdomen. Book Your Appointment Now!

The Genuine Leather is the official brand of premium quality leather. We are working on Leather since many years ago and we have trusted clients and good reviews from our customers.

At T-Bros Auto Detailing, we understand that your car is not just a means of transportation, but also a reflection of your personality and style.

Wir vom VMT hätten intresse an einer OSM Schulung. Gibt es hierfür mögliche Ansprechpartner bzw. Anlaufstellen.

mögliche Inhalte der Schulung (grob):
  • Anlegen von ÖPNV Linien (inkl. Rictungsbezogenes anlegen)
  • anlegen von Haltestellen
  • Nutzen des JOSM Editor, Möglichkeiten das Linienetz mittels des Editors
    anzulegen und zu bearbeiten.
  • Plausibilitätsprüfungen in OSM/JOSM Edotor
  • mögliche andere Editoren um OSM KArteninhalte zu bearbeiten.
Rückmeldungen bzw. Erstkontakt bitte als Nachricht in OSM an Verkehrsgemeinschaft Mittelthüringen GmbH schreiben.

Vielen Dank im Vorraus. =)

Days 62 to 71 - Villages Vorrozen, Levan, Pilur, Kodër, Toç, Skrevan, Arn i Epërm, Lofkend, Ogren-Kostrec, Lenmushë, Rrashtan, Raban, Skënderbej, Kuç, Jezull, Shpatanj, Arrëz

Heyy! I am very excited to share our latest OSM-NG development progress with you. Apologies for the slight delay — I wanted to wrap up some work for this weeks diary.